

英漢字典: 起草

KK 音標
〔 dræft 〕
〔 drɑːft 〕

〈 draft 〉



〔縮〕 dft.

1 (密閉的) 氣流

2 調節氣流的裝置

3 a. 拖曳

b. 負荷物; 載荷物

c. 馱重物的獸群隊伍


a river vessel of shallow draft 吃水淺的船隻

5 (對資源的) 強大需求

6 匯票

7 a. 吞嚥; 吸入

b. 一次吸入 (飲進) 的量

c. 一服; 一劑; 劑量

8 a. (從桶中) 汲取

b. 汲取的量

ordered two drafts of ale 叫二桶麥酒

9 a. 徵召; 挑選

a candidate who did not pursue the nomination, but accepted a draft by the party convention一個無意角逐提名的候選人, 但仍接受黨大會的徵召


11 a. 拖網

b. 漁獲量

12 a. 草稿

the first draft of a report 此報告的第一份草稿

b. 代表; 象徵

13 (石頭上的) 鑿線 (以利沿線切割)

14 使骰子容易轉動的裝置

15 (商品) 折扣, 減價


draft.ed, draft.ing, drafts


1 選拔, 徵召

drafted into the army 被徵召入伍

2 計畫

3 草擬; 作…的草稿

draft a speech 草擬一篇演說稿


選拔; 徵召


1 適合負重物的, 用於荷重物的

oxen and other draft animals 牛以及其他適於負重的動物

2 由桶中汲取的

draft beer 生啤酒


on draft


KK 音標
〔 dræft 〕
〔 drɑːft 〕

〈 draught 〉




〔主英〕 (為 draft 的變體字)

〈 1.prepare;compose;draft(a legal paper,contract,treaty,agreement,etc.)草擬;制定(合同、協議等) 〉

*The lawyer has drawn up the agreement.律師制訂了協議書。

*The two countries drew up a peace treaty after the war ended.戰爭結束後兩國簽訂了和平條約。

*They have drawn up a contract.他們已經草擬了一份合同。

*The plan drawn up by the Party committee has been adopted at the meeting.黨委制定的計劃已經在會上通過了。

2.(a vehicle)come to a stop(車子)停下來

*The police drew up outside the house.警察在房子外面停了車。

*A car drew up,and a smartly dressed woman got out.小轎車停下了,一個打扮入時的婦女下了車。

3.(of troops,etc.)bring into regular order;set in line(usu.passive)(軍隊等)使排列整齊;列隊(通常用被動語態)

*The whole company were drawn up,prepared for battle.全連已列好陣勢,準備戰鬥。

*The troops were drawn up,ready for inspection.士兵們站好了隊,準備接受檢閱。

4.bring near;pull up(on to the shore,etc.)使靠近;拖近;靠岸等

*Draw up your chair and let's have a chat.把椅子拉過來,我們聊聊。

*The boat was drawn up.船靠岸了。
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