

英漢字典: around

KK 音標
〔 әˋraUnd 〕
〔 әˊraund 〕




1 a. 到處

dirty clothes lying around 髒衣服到處散置

b. 四周

a field bordered around with tall trees 四周有大樹環繞的田野

2 旋轉著

spun around twice 旋轉兩次

3 周長

a pond two miles around 周長二哩的池塘

4 輪流地, 交替地

5 向相反方向

wheeled around 朝相反方向轉動

6 a. 各地

wander around 四處流浪

b. 到某地

come around again sometime 以後再來

7 附近地

waiting around for the next flight 等下一班飛機

8 從頭到尾

frigid weather the year around 全年氣候嚴寒

9 大約

weighed around 30 pounds 重約三十磅

around $1.3 billion in debt 負債約十三億元


1 環繞

treees around the field 環繞在田野四周的樹木

2 周圍

a sash around the waist 腰帶

3 a. 到處

on the political stump around the country 全國陷於政治鬥爭之中

b. 鄰近

She lives around Norfolk. 她住在諾福克附近

4 在較遠端

the horse around the corner 在角落的那匹馬

5 避開; 繞道而行

a way around an obstacle 避開障礙的路

got around the difficulty somehow 想辦法避開難題

6 大約

woke up around seven 七點左右醒來

7 大致以…為中心

an economy focused around farming and light industry以農業與輕工業為主的經濟


1 活的

Our old dog is no longer around. 我們的老狗已經死了

2 在場的

asked if the store manager was around 問問店家的經理是否在場


been around

〔口語〕 經驗豐富的

a young executive who has been around 一位經歷豐富的年輕主管

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