

英漢字典: as

KK 音標
〔 әz, z 〕
〔 әz, z 〕

〈 as 〉



1 在相同的範圍或程度; 相等地

The child sang as sweetly a nightingale. 那孩子歌唱得跟夜鶯一樣甜美

2 例如

large carnivores, as the bear or lion 大的食肉動物, 例如熊或獅子

3 在一個特定的關係或形式下考量

this definition as distinguished from the second one這個定義跟第二個比較起來是有區別的


1 (常用在so或as之後作為相關連接詞) 相同的程度或數量

You are as sweet as sugar. 你跟糖一樣的甜

The situation is not so bad as you suggest. 情況不像你想像的那麼糟

2 依照

Think as I think. 依照我想的方式來想

3 同時; 當時

slipped on the ice as I ran home 我跑回家的時候, 我在冰上滑了一跤

4 因為

went to bed early, as I was exhausted 因為非常疲累我很早就上床睡覺

5 結果

He was so foolish as to lie. 他這麼傻, 才會傻到要說謊

6 雖然

Great as the author was, he proved a bad model.雖然這名作家很偉大, 不過他樹立了一個不好的榜樣

Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true. 雖然荒謬, 這個故事卻是真實的

7 配合…來講; 以…方式來看

The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go.就設備來看, 這旅館算是非常舒適的了

The sun is hot, as everyone knows. 大家都知道太陽很熱

8 〔口語〕 相當於 that

I don't know as I can answer your question我不曉得能不能回答你的問題


1 (用在same 或such 之後) 相當於 that, which或who

I received the same grade as you did. 我跟你得到同樣的分數

2 〔主美中南方〕 who, whom, which或that

Those as want to can come with me. 要來的可以跟我來


1 擔任

acting as a mediator 擔任仲裁人

2 跟…相似; 相同

On this issue they thought as one. 在這個議題上他們的想法一致


as is

〔口語〕 原樣

bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer從古董商那兒買到原樣的俄國茶壺

as it were

可以說; 好像

〈 As 〉

『化學』〔符號〕 砷, 砒素 (arsenic)

〈 as- 〉


(加在 s 之前的) 為 ad- 的變體

〈 As 〉


〈 AS 〉

1 Anglo-Saxon

2 antisubmarine

〈 AS,A.S. 〉

〔略〕 Anglo-Saxon
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