KK 音標 | 〔 әˋtrIbjUt 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 әˊtribjuːt 〕 |
1 將結果歸於, 將事情歸因…;
He attributes his success to good luck.他把成功歸功於幸運
Pauline attributed her success to her husband's support.寶琳把成功歸因於先生的支持
2 認為是…所作的
The painting is attributed to Picasso.這幅畫作被認為是畢卡索所畫的
1 屬性, 特質
Mileage is the main attribute of the shoes.耐穿是這雙鞋最主要的特質
2 表徵, 象徵, 標誌
A scepter is the attribute of power.權杖是權力的象徵
3『文法』形容詞, 定語