

英漢字典: backup

〈 back.up 〉


1 倒車; 後退, 退卻

2 支援, 後援, 輔退, 支援者, 輔助物

3 後備人員, 備用品, 替代品

a ~ of material for emergency use緊急備用物資

4 積聚, 擁塞, 堵塞, 氾濫

a ~ of cars before the intersection汽車堵在十字路口前

a ~ of sewage汙水氾濫

5 積壓

6 背襯

7 (美俚)輪姦


1 輔助的, 支持的, 支援的, 補充的

a ~ man 助手

a ~ effort 援助

2 後備的, 候補的, 備用的, 替代的

a ~ candidate 候補

a ~ generator 備用發電機

3 背朝上的

4 伴奏的, 伴唱的

a ~ band 伴奏樂團

a ~ singer 伴唱

〈 1.drive or move backwards倒車 〉

*He had to back his car up because the mountain path was too narrow.由于山路太窄,他不得不把車子倒了回來。

2.support 支持

*I hope you will back me up in this argument.我希望在這場爭論中你能支持我。

*Nobody backed her up when she protested against the decision.當她反對這項決定時,沒人支持她。

3.block; hold up阻塞

*The vehicles were backed up because of the accident.車輛因交通事故受阻了。
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