

英漢字典: bite

KK 音標
〔 baIt 〕
〔 bait 〕




bit, bitten (bit), biting, bites


1 咬

2 a. (以嘴巴部份) 撕裂

b. (蚊子等) 叮咬

3 (以銳利物) 剪斷

The sword bit straight through the wooden shield. 劍劃斷了木盾

4 抓, 握

bald treads that couldn't bite the icy road 光滑的鞋底無法抓住冰凍的地面

5 腐蝕

6 刺激; 刺痛

cold that bites the skin 刺人肌膚的寒冷

a conscience bitten by remorse 受悔恨煎熬的良心


1 咬

2 叮咬

3 刺激

4 上鉤; 吃餌

5 受騙

tried to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, but no one bit設法賣掉布魯克林橋, 但是沒有人上當


1 咬

2 咬傷

the bite of an insect 昆蟲咬傷的地方

3 a. 刺激性

b. 尖銳, 尖刻

the bite of satire 諷刺文學的尖刻

4 被取走的地區

Rezoning took a bite out of the town's residential area.重劃計劃取走這市鎮的一塊住宅區

5 a. 一次咬下一口的量

b. 〔口語〕 點心

6 上鉤

fished all day without a bite 一整天沒釣到半條魚

an ad that got a few bites but no final sales這個廣告吸引一些人上鉤, 但最後還是沒賣出東西

7 a. 抓緊

b. 卡緊


9 腐蝕

10 〔俚語〕 一筆錢

trying to avoid the tax bite 設法逃稅


bite off more than one can chew


bite the bullet

〔俚語〕 勇敢地面對苦痛

bite the dust


1 陣亡

2 被擊敗

3 結束

bite the hand that feeds (one)



bitable, biteable



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