

英漢字典: breathe

KK 音標
〔 brið 〕
〔 briːð 〕




breathed, breath.ing, breathes


1 呼吸

2 活著; 生存

3 暫停; 休息片刻; 鬆一口氣

Give me a moment to breathe. 給我一點時間鬆口氣

4 輕拂

5 通風; 透氣

a natural fabric that breathes 透氣的天然織品

6 (香氣) 飄動; 輕送

7 顯露; 浮現

A sense of calm breathed from the landscape. 這片景色顯現出寧靜的感覺

8 (主要用於酒) 散發香味

9 (內燃機) 進氣


1 呼吸

2 吸; 吸入

breathe the lush scent of lilacs 吸入紫丁香濃郁的香氣

3 徐徐灌輸; 賦與

an artist who knows how to breathe life into a portrait這位藝術家知道如何注入生命於畫像中

4 呼出; 吐露

5 低聲說; 耳語

Don't breathe a word of this. 不要低聲說出這個字

6 顯露; 浮現; 呈現

Their manner breathed self-satisfaction. 他們的態度顯現出自滿

7 允許 (人或動物) 休息; 喘一口氣

8『語言學』發 (無聲的) 氣音

9 (內燃機) 進氣


breathe down (someone's) neck

1 恐嚇; 威脅

2 注視; 監視

The boss was breathing down my neck all morning.老板整個早上都在監視著我

breathe easily (easy, freely)

放鬆; 紓解

breathe (one's) last




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