

英漢字典: devil

KK 音標
〔 ˋdєvL 〕
〔 ˊdevl 〕




1 (常作 Devil)『神學』魔王; 撒旦

2 惡魔

3 惡人

4 人; 傢伙

a handsome devil 俊俏的傢伙

the poor devil 可憐的人

5 精力充沛的人


7 扯碎機

8 很困難的; 透頂的

has a devil of a temper 脾氣壞透了

9 怒氣

gave me the devil for cutting class 因為翹課而對我發了一頓脾氣

10 〔口語〕 (用以強調語氣)

Who the devil do you think you are? 你以為自己是誰呀?



deviled, devil.ing, devils (devilled, devil.ling, devils)

1 以辛辣的調味料烹煮

2 激怒; 折磨; 騷擾

3 (以有鋸齒狀的機器) 撕毀 (衣物, 布料)


between the devil and the deep blue sea

左右為難; 進退維谷

gove the devil his due

對惡人亦應公平; 平心而論

go to the devil

1 失敗

2 墮落

3 (用於祈使句, 表達憤怒, 不耐煩) 滾開

play the devil with

傷害; 毀壞

the devil take the hindmost

個人頭頂一片天; 大家各自發展

the devil to pay

大難; 麻煩

There'll be the devil to pay if you allow the piglets inside the house. 如果你讓小豬仔進到屋子裡來, 可會有大麻煩的

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