〈 do 〉
did, done, doing, does
1 a. 做
do one's assigned task 做指定的工作
do a series of business deals 做一連串的生意
b. 完成
did my duty at all times 隨時隨地履行義務
c. 做; 犯
a crime that had been done on purpose 刻意犯下的罪行
2 a. 製作
do a play on Broadway 在好萊塢製作一齣戲
b. 扮演
did Elizabeth I in the film 在影片中飾演伊莉莎白一世
c. 模仿
"doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along" (William H. Pritchard) 他裝出南方人的腔調, 作即興的演出
3 a. 帶來; 影響
Crying won't do any good now. 現在光是哭也沒有用
b. 給予
do equal justice to the opposing sides 給予反對人士公平的待遇
do honor to one's family 光耀門楣
4 表現
Do the best you can. 儘你最大的努力
5 a. 整理
did the bedrooms before the guests arrived在客人到達之前把房間整理好
b. 清潔
did the dishes 洗碗
6 a. 服務
b. 化粧
did her face 她在臉部上粧
7 工作
Have you decided what you will do after graduate school?你研究所畢業之後決定要做什麼?
8 研讀
do a homework assignment 做家庭作業
9 〔口語〕
a. 移動
do a mile in four minutes 以四分鐘的時間走完一哩
b. 參觀; 拜訪
"[He] did 15 countries of Western Europe in only a few days." (R.W. Apple, Jr.) 他只花了幾天的時間就參觀了西歐十五個國家
10 a. 足夠
This room will do us very nicely. 這個房間很適合我們
b. 〔口語〕 坐牢
11 〔俚語〕 騙取
do a relative out of an inheritance 騙取親戚的遺產
12 〔俚語〕 嗑藥
"If you do drugs you are going to be in continual trouble." (Jimmy Breslin) 你一旦吸毒, 將會身陷其中難以自拔
1 做; 表現
Do as I say and you won't get into trouble.照我的話去做, 你就不會惹上麻煩
2 a. 相處; 進展
students who do well at school 表現良好的學生
b. 繼續; 經營
We can very easily do without your interference.沒有你的介入, 我們也能輕輕鬆鬆地繼續下去
c. 善加利用
I could do with a nice hot bath. 我需要好好洗個熱水澡
3 a. 適合
This coat will do for another season.這件外套也可以在另一個季節來穿
b. 適當
Such behavior just won't do. 這樣的行為就是不適當
4 發生
What's doing in London this time of year?在這個時節倫敦都會有些什麼事發生?
5 (代替前面的動詞)
worked as hard as everyone else do 和其他人一樣努力
6 (強調前面的動詞)
Run quickly, do! 快跑, 跑呀!
1 用於疑問句, 否定句, 倒裝句
Do you understand? 你了解嗎?
I did not sleep well. 我沒睡好
Little did we know what was in store for us.我們太不清楚那些東西是留給我們的
2 用以強調
I do want to be sure. 我真的想確定一下
Do be still! 千萬不要動
pl. do's, dos
1 應該做的事
a list of do's and don'ts of management列出管理工作應做之事與不應做之事的表格
2 〔口語〕 宴會
attended a big do at the embassy 參加大使館盛大的宴會
3 〔區域性〕 騷動; 暴動
4 〔主英〕 騙局
do by
尊重; 敬重
The children have done well by their aged parents.孩子們相當敬重年邁的雙親
do for
照顧; 看管
do in
1 使勞累
The marathon did me in. 跑完馬拉松我累壞了
2 宰殺
3 徹底摧毀
Huge losses on the stock market did many investors in.股市大跌造成許多投資人傾家蕩產
do up
1 精心打扮
The children were all done up in matching outfits.孩子們已經穿上比賽的服裝
2 綑; 紮
3 扣上
do up the buttons on a dress 扣好衣服上的鈕扣
do without
There was no television on the island, but we soon learned to do without. 這座島上沒有電視, 但是我們很快就適應了
do a disappearing act
〔口語〕 消失
do away with
1 廢除; 取消
2 破壞; 殺害
do (one) proud
使 (某人) 有光彩
do (one's ) bit
盡 (某人的) 本份
do (one's) own thing
〔俚語〕 盡最大的努力
"I get paid to try cases and to do my thing on trial." (Bruce Cutler)客戶付錢給我, 要我承接訴訟並盡全力打贏官司
do or die
不成功便成仁; 拼命幹
〈 do 〉
『音樂』 全音階的第一音