

英漢字典: dog

KK 音標
〔 dɒg 〕
〔 dɒɡ 〕




1 犬; 狗

2 野狗類的家畜

3 (狐, 狼等) 雄性獸

4 其他的動物 (如草原犬鼠)

5 〔口語〕

a. 傢伙

You won, you lucky dog. 你贏了, 運氣好的傢伙

b. 可惡的傢伙

You stole my watch, you dog. 你這個可惡的傢伙, 竟然偷我的錶

6 〔俚語〕

a. 無趣的人

b. 爛貨

" The President had read the speech to some of his friends and they told him it was a dog." (John P. Roche)總統事先將演講內容念給朋友聽, 而朋友們表示演講稿糟透了

7 (常作 dogs) 〔俚語〕 腳

9 〔俚語〕 熱狗

10 掣動爪; 夾架



(常作複合字) 完全地; 全然地

dog-tired 累壞了


dogged, dogging, dogs

1 跟蹤; 尾隨

" A stranger then is dogging us." (Arthur Conan Doyle)有個陌生人在跟蹤我們

2 握住; 弄緊

" Watertight doors and hatches were dropped into place and dogged down to give the ship full watertight integrity." (Tom Clancy)放下不漏水的艙門和甲板並加以固定, 以確保船隻滴水不進


dog it

〔俚語〕 敷衍了事

go to the dogs

墮落; 敗壞

put on the dog

〔口語〕 耍派頭; 擺架子

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