

英漢字典: ear

KK 音標
〔 Ir 〕
〔 iә 〕





a. 耳朵 (特指內部構造)

b. 耳朵 (外在可看到的部份)

2 專司聽覺的器官

3 聽覺

a sound that grates on the ear 刺耳的聲音

4 可聽得到聲音的

a. 敏銳的聽覺

a singer with a good ear for harmony 一個音感敏銳的歌者

b. 音準

plays the piano by ear 靠音準來彈鋼琴

c. 對語言的敏感度

a writer with a good ear for dialogue 對對話很敏感的作家

has an ear for foreign languages 對外國語言的領悟力高

5 關注; 關愛

"[The President] wavers between the two positions, depending on who last had his ear." (Joseph C. Harsch)總統立場一直搖擺不定, 依誰能得到他的最後關注為準

6 類似耳朵的東西

a. 鳥類 (如貓頭鷹) 眼睛上的毛簇 (其功能是視覺而非聽覺)

b. (瓶子, 水壺的) 把手

7 (報紙, 期刊上方角落的) 小專欄 (如小廣告, 氣象資料等)

8 (常作 ears) 〔口語〕 耳機


all ears

〔口語〕 專心聽

If you want to tell your story, we're all ears.如果你願意說出你的事, 我們會注意聽的

give (lend) an ear

傾聽; 專注

have (keep) an ear to the ground


in one ear and out the other

沒有影響; 沒有效果; 沒人理睬的

Since his mind was already made up, my arguments went in one ear and out the other.既然他心意已決, 我的話就一點影響也沒有了

on its (someone's) ear

驚訝; 興奮; 騷動

a controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear一部有爭議的電影引起娛樂圈的騷動

play it by ear

〔口語〕 伺機而動; 隨機應變

"He plays his negotiations by ear, going into them with no clear or fixed plan." (George F. Kennan)他對協商沒有既定的計畫, 完全是隨機應變

up to (one's) ears

〔口語〕 熱中於…; 耽溺於…

I'm up to my ears in work. 我完全耽溺於工作中




(玉米的) 穗


eared, ear.ing, ears


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