KK 音標 | 〔 flo 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 flou 〕 |
flowed, flow.ing, flows
1 a. 流, 流動
b. 向前流
Sap flowed from the gash in the tree. 樹的汁液從樹上的切痕流出來
2 (血液) 循環
3 流動
wheat flowing into the bin 流入帆布袋的小麥
traffic flowing through the tunnel 通過隧道的車流
4 順暢
The preparations flowed smoothly. 準備工作順利地進行
5 流暢
The cadence of the poem flowed gracefully. 此詩的韻律優美流暢
6 垂掛
The cape flowed from his shoulders. 披風自他的雙肩垂掛下來
7 漲(潮)
8 從…得
Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis. 一些結論從這個假設得來
9 a. 充滿
coffers flowing with treasure 充滿寶藏的箱子
b. 溢出, 氾濫
Contributions flowed in from all parts of the country. 捐獻從這個國家的各地紛湧而至
10 月經來潮(mestruate)
11 (礦石等的)變形
1 釋出, 流出
trees flowing thin sap 樹木流出稀薄的汁液
2 使流動
" One of the real keys to success is developing a system where you can flow traffic to yourselves."(Marc Klee) 真正的致勝關鍵之一就是發展一套可以吸引人群車潮流向你們的方法
1 a. 流, 流動
b. (流體的)流動
2 a. 水流, 流動
b. 泛濫; 溢出
c. 停止流動的殘渣
a hardened lava flow 硬化的熔岩渣
3 a. 滔滔不絕
a flow of ideas 紛湧而來的念頭
produced a steady flow of articles and stories 源源不絕地創作文章與故事
b. 川流不息
the flow of traffic 川流不息的交通
a flow of paperwork across his desk 他桌上川流不息的文件工作
4 流量
5 漲潮
6 (外觀的) 持續流暢
7 潮流, 趨向
As the lone dissenter in the group, she was going against the flow of opinion. 身為團體中的孤單的異議者, 她反對一般的思想趨向
8 操作的連續
9 安逸; 輕鬆; 從容不迫
" An athlete must learn to forget the details of his or her training to achieve the instinctive sense of flow that characterizes a champion." (Frederick Turner) 一位運動員必須忘掉他(她)的訓練細節, 以擁有優勝者所特有的從容不迫的特質
10 月經來潮