

英漢字典: fold

KK 音標
〔 fold 〕
〔 fould 〕

〈 fold 〉



fold.ed, fold.ing, folds


1 摺疊

fold a sheet of paper 把一張紙折疊起來

2 疊起來

folded the laundry 將換洗衣物疊起來

folded the chairs for stacking 將椅子疊成堆

3 收起來

The hawk folded its wings. 這隻鷹將牠的雙翅收起來

4 展開

a suitcase that folds out to become a display table 展開成一張展示桌的手提箱

folded the ironing board down form the wall 從牆上拉下鐵板

5 交臂, 叉手

fold one's arms 某人將雙臂交叉

6 封入; 擁抱

folded his children to his breast 擁抱他的孩子們

folded the check into the letter 將支票封入信中

7 混入

folded the beaten egg whites into the batter 將打好的蛋白混入糊狀物中

8 a. 〔口語〕 停止; 關閉

They had to fold the company a year after they started it. 在他們開始營業後的一年, 他們就得關閉這家公司

b.『牌戲』(將牌面朝下) 收回



1 a. 變成摺疊狀

b. 可摺疊

a bed that folds for easy storage 可摺疊以方便收藏的床

2 〔口語〕 關門大吉; 失敗


4 〔口語〕

a. 投降; 退讓

a team that never folded under pressure 一支不因壓力而退讓的隊伍

b. 精疲力盡


1 摺疊

2 疊起來的部分

the loose folds of the drapery 帳簾鬆散的摺層

clothes stacked in neat folds 整齊地疊成堆的衣物

3 層; 摺痕

tore the paper carefully along the fold 小心地沿著摺痕撕開紙

4 (繩索的) 一捲

5 〔主英〕 山丘, 山谷


7『解剖學』(薄膜的) 摺痕



〈 fold 〉


1 羊欄

2 一群羊

3 a. 同道, 同好

"He is a living testament to the wisdom of admitting lay psychoanalysts into the official fold" (Jerome Bruner). 他是把非本行的心理分析師納入正式領域的智慧的活見證

b. 教會

The priest welcomed new parishioners into the fold. 牧師歡迎新的教會居民進入教會


fold.ed, fold.ing, folds


〈 -fold 〉



twofold; manifold

KK 音標
〔 -fold 〕
〔 -fould 〕

〈 -fold 〉

{字尾} [形容詞,副詞字尾] …倍[重]的[地]twofold; manifold
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