

英漢字典: get

KK 音標
〔 gєt 〕
〔 ɡet 〕




got, gotten (got), getting, gets

1 a. 得到; 收到

got a poodle for her birthday 收到一隻貴賓狗做為她的生日禮物

b. 遭遇; 招致; 蒙受

got nothing but trouble for her efforts 她的努力不但徒勞無功, 反而惹來一身麻煩

2 a. 獲得

got a book at the library 在圖書館裡找到一本書

got breakfast in town 在城裡用早餐

b. 取得

Get me a pillow. 給我一個枕頭

c. 購買; 買

get groceries 購買雜貨

3 a. (經行動、努力後) 取得

He got his information out of an encyclopedia. 他從百科全書裡取得資訊

You can't get water out of a stone. 石頭不可能冒出水來

b. 努力獲得

got high marks in math and science 數學和科學兩科得到高分

c. (經軍事行動) 完成, 達成

4 (經妥協、請求) 獲得

couldn't get the time off 無法延期

got permission to leave 獲准離開

5 a. 到達

When did you get home? 你什麼時候到家?

b. 登上; 趕上

She got her plane two minutes before takeoff. 她在飛機起飛前兩分鐘登上飛機

6 (藉由電話) 聯絡上

couldn't get me at the office until 9 o'clock 一直到九點鐘才在辦公室聯絡上我

7 患 (疾病); 染上

get the flu 感冒

got the mumps 感染腮腺炎

8 a. 承受; 經歷

got a severe concussion 承受重大的打擊

b. 得到報應; 受處罰

got six years in prison for embezzling funds 因侵佔公款而被判刑六年

c. 受到 (傷害)

got my arm broken 我的手臂斷了

9 a. 瞭解

Do you get this question? 這個問題你懂了嗎?

b. 熟記; 記憶

c. (經計算、思量) 找到, 得到

get a tatal 得到一個總數

can't get the answer 無法找出答案

d. 聽清楚

I didn't get your name when we were introdaced. 別人介紹我們認識時, 我沒有聽清楚你的名字

10 生 (子); 得 (子)

11 a. 使變得

got the children tired and cross 把小孩子弄得疲倦又情緒不好

got the shirt clean 把襯衫洗乾淨

b. 預備; 準備

got lunch for a crowd 為眾人準備午飯

c. 使移動

somehow got the car through traffic 總算擺脫擁塞的交通, 把車子開了出來

d. 使離開

Get me out of here! 帶我離開這裡!

12 使從事, 使實行

got the guide to give us the complete tour 有名導遊帶我們做一次完整的旅行

13 a. 捕捉; 抓住

The dectective got the suspect as he came out of the restaurant. 這名偵探在嫌疑犯從飯店走出來時把他抓住

b. 〔口語〕 打敗; 破壞

The ice storm got the rose bushes. 寒冷的暴風雨摧毀了玫瑰花叢

c. 使 (某人) 感動

d. 使 (某人) 生氣

What got me was his utter lack of self-discipline. 讓我生氣的是他一點自制力都沒有

e. 難住; 問倒; 使困惑

f. 報復 (尤其是以殺害做為報復)

g. 〔口語〕 打, 擊

She got him on the chin. 她揍了他下巴一拳

The bullet got him in the shoulder. 子彈打中他的肩膀


15 (與現在分詞連用) 開始

I have to get working on this or I'll miss my deadline. 我現在得開始做這件事, 否則我就會超過截止的期限了

16 a. (用在現在完成式, 表示現在) 有

We've got plenty of cash. 我們有很多現金

b. (用在現在完成式, 表示現在) 必須

I have got to leave eraly. 我必須早點走

You've got to do the dishes. 你必須洗碗盤


1 a. 變成; 長成

eventually got ewll 終於好了

b. 到達

When will we get to New York? 我們什麼時候到紐約?

2 能夠; 允許

never got to see Europe 從來沒能看見歐洲

finally got to work at home 終於可以在家裡工作

3 a. 成功地成為

get free of a drug problem 成功地擺脫藥物問題

b. (與及物動詞的過去分詞連用, 當作助動詞)

got stuck in the elevator 被卡在電梯裏

c. 進入, 成為 (某種狀態)

get into debt 負債

get into a hassle 吵架

4 〔口語〕 立刻離開

yelled at the dog to get 大聲喝斥狗馬上走開

5 求取利益; 賺錢

puts all his energy into getting and spending 把全部精力放在賺錢與花錢上


1 a. 生 (子)

b. 子孫; 後代

2『運動』(網球) 難以回擊的一球

get about

(病人) 可以走動

get across

1 使了解; 使明白

I have tried to get my point across. 我試著讓人了解我的觀點

2 使人信服

How can I get across to the students? 我怎樣才可以讓學生心服口服?

get after


You should get after them to mow the lawn. 你應該督促他們去修剪草地

get along

1 相處和諧; 保持良好關係

get along with the in-laws 和姻親和諧相處

2 過活; 生活

can't get along on those wages 無法仰賴那些薪水過活

3 a. 進展

b. (年齡的) 增加

4 走開

get around

1 規避; 逃避

managed to get around the real issues 設法逃避真正的問題

2 〔口語〕 (以諂媚、甜言蜜語) 取得信任

3 到處旅遊

It is hard to get around without a car. 沒有車子要到處旅遊不太容易

4 傳播; 散佈

Word got around. 消息散佈到各處

get at

1 接近; 到達

The cat hid where we couldn't get at it. 貓躲到我們抓不到的地方

2 設法使人了解; 暗示

I don't know what you are getting at. 我不知道你在暗示什麼

3 發現; 了解

If we could only get at the cause of the problem! 但願我們能找出問題出在那裏!

4 〔口語〕 行賄; 賄賂

He got at the judge, and the charges were dismissed. 他賄賂法官, 所以他的控告得以撤銷

get away

1 逃脫; 逃走

2 離開; 走開

wanted to come along, but couldn't get away 想要一起去, 但是走不開

get back

歸還; 回到原地, 恢復原狀

getting back to the subject 回到主題

get by

1 超過; 通過

2 勉強通過

just got by in high school 中學勉強畢業

3 設法; 存活

We'll get by if we economize. 如果我們節省花用, 就可以存活下來

4 被疏忽

His mistakes got by the editor but was caught by the proofreader. 編輯沒有注意到他的錯誤, 但是校稿人員發現了

get down

1 下降

2 (常與 to 連用) 認真

Let's get down to work. 我們認真工作吧

3 使筋疲力竭; 使沮喪

The heat was getting me down. 燠熱的天氣使我疲憊不堪

4 吞下

got the pill down on the first try 一次就把藥丸全部吞下去

5 記下

6 〔口語〕 放縱, 盡情享受

get in

1 a. 進入

b. 到達

We got in late last night. 我們昨天晚上晚到

2 與…有瓜葛; 使陷於 (某種情況)

She got in with the wrong crowd. 她和不法的群眾有瓜葛

Repeated loans from the finance company got me in deeper and deeper. 不斷向金融公司貸款使我越陷越深

3 被接受 (成為會員)

4 完成

got in six delilveries before noon 在中午以前送了六次

get into

1 使陷於 (麻煩等)

got into trouble by stealing cars 因偷車而惹上麻煩

2 〔口語〕 對…有興趣

got into gourment cooking 對烹調美食有興趣

get off

1 啟程; 出發

2 a. 開火

got off two shots before the deer disappeared 在鹿消失前開了二槍

b. 寄 (信); 傳遞

3 逃避 (懲罰), 逃離 (危險)

got off scot-free 安然逃離; 無罪釋放

4 獲得釋放; 減輕處罰

The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist. 律師使她的委託人獲得較輕的刑罰

5 〔俚語〕 (用在祈使句, 表示輕蔑之意) 厚顏無恥的言行

6 〔俚語〕 達到性高潮

7 〔俚語〕

a. 感到快樂; 感到滿足

b. (因藥物) 有飄飄欲仙的感覺

8 (獲准) 下班

got off early and went fishing 提前下班去釣魚

get on

1 相處和諧; 保持良好關係

She gets on well with neighbors. 她和鄰居相處得不錯

2 過活; 生活

get on with a performance 繼續保持這樣的表現

got on to the con game 認清騙術

get out

somehow the secret got out 總之秘密被洩露了

get over

finally got over the divorce 終於從離婚的創傷中恢復

get through

get to

get to reminiscing 開始緬懷往事

didn't get to the housework until Sunday 一直到星期日才開始做家事

The noise really gets to me. 噪音真的讓我受不了

get together

get up

got up a petition against rezoning 籌畫請願反對區域重新畫分

She got herself up in a bizarre outfit. 她穿著一身怪異的服裝

trying to get up the nerve to quit 設法鼓起勇氣辭職


get around to


get away with

躲避 (責備、懲罰)

got away with cheating but was later caught 以為可以騙得過, 但後來還是被抓了

get back at

向 (某人) 報復

get cracking

開始工作; 開始

get even


get even with

向 (某人) 報復

get going

起頭; 開始

get it

〔口語〕 受到處罰; 受到責備

get it on


1 精力充沛, 興奮

2 性交

get nowhere

毫無進展; 毫無收穫

get on the stick


get (someone's) goat

激怒某人; 惹惱某人

get somewhere

〔口語〕 有進展; 有進步

get there

〔口語〕 進步; 成功

get wind of

獲悉; 聽聞

got wind of the scheme 得知這項計畫


getable, gettable

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