

英漢字典: give

KK 音標
〔 gIv 〕
〔 ɡiv 〕




gave, giv.en, giv.ing, gives


1 贈予

We gave her flowers for her birthday. 我們送她花以慶祝她的生日

2 遞給

Give me the scissors. 遞給我剪刀

3 a. 付給

will give five dollars for the book 願付五塊錢買那本書

b. 出售

4 a. 給 (病人) 藥

give him some cough medicine 給他一些止咳藥

b. 做…動作

gave me a punch in the nose 朝我的鼻子打了一拳

c. 施行 (懲罰)

gave the child a spanking 打了小孩一頓

was given life imprisonment for the crime 由於犯罪而判終生監禁


A decision was given for the plaintiff. 作出對原告有利的判決

5 a. 賦予

The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech. 人權法案賦予我們言論的自由

b. 給…某物

Give him your confidence. 信任他

c. 暫時委託

gave them the cottage for a week 把別墅託給他們一星期

d. 交託; 信託

gave me the keys for safe-keeping 把鑰匙交託給我保管

e. 轉達

Give him my best wishes. 請向他轉達我的祝福

f.『法律』訂立 (契約)

give bond 簽訂契約

6 a. 犧牲

gave her son to the war 她有一個兒子在戰爭中犧牲了

gave her life for her country 她為國捐軀

b. 奉獻

gives herself to her work 她獻身於工作

c. 提供

gave their time to help others 撥出時間去幫助別人

d. 保證

Give me your word. 你要向我保證

7 a. 分配

b. 授予

c. 指派

d. 賞給

gave us first prize 賞給我們第一獎

8 吐露; 發出 (聲音)

gave a groan 發出呻吟的聲音

gave a muted response 做出無聲的的反應

9 表明

give an opinion 表明意見

give an excuse 給一個藉口

10 a. 提供給…

gave the toddler my hand 把我的手伸給那學步的小孩

b. (女子) 同意與 (男子) 性交

11 a. 表演

give a recital 表演獨奏

b. 做

gave the sign to begin 做一個開始的手勢

12 a. 舉行

give a dinner party 舉行晚宴

b. 乾杯祝賀

13 a. 產生

His remark gave offense. 他的話引起反彈

Music gives her pleasure. 音樂使她得到樂趣

b. 傳染; 使罹患

The draft gave me a cold. 通風口的風使我感冒

c. (用不定詞片語) 促使; 引起

You gave me to imagine you approved of my report. 你使我認為你贊同我的報告

14 a. 生產

Cows give milk. 母牛產乳

b. 結 (果實)

trees that give fruit 結果實的樹

c. 計算的結果得…

5 x 12 gives 60. 五乘以十二得六十

15 a. 展示

gives promise of brilliance 展現燦爛的前程

gave evidence of tampering 顯示賄賂的證據

b. 做…動作

give a wink 眨眼

give a start 開始

16 規定

gave us an hour to finsih 規定我們一小時內要完成

17 在乎

"My dear, I don't give a damn." (Margaret Mitchell) 親愛的, 我一點也不在乎


1 贈送; 捐助

gives generously to charity 慷慨捐助慈善事業

2 a. 支持不住

b. 下陷; 斷裂

The roof gave under the weight of the snow. 屋頂承受不住積雪的重量而塌陷

c. 讓步; 妥協

Both sides will have to give on some issues. 雙方都必須在某些議題上讓步

3 通向

The doors give onto a terrace. 門通向尾端的平台

4 〔俚語〕 發生

What gives? 發生了什麼事?


1 支持不住

2 彈性

"Fruits that have some give...will have more juice than hard ones." (Elizabeth Schneider) 具有彈性的水果比硬的水果多汁

give away

1 贈送

2 把新娘的手交給新郎

3 a. 洩露

b. 背叛

give back


gave me back my book 把我的書還給我

give in

1 呈交

She gave in her report. 她把報告交上來

2 投降

give of


She really gave of her time to help. 她撥出時間來幫忙

They give of themselves to improve the quality of education. 他們貢獻自己以改善教育品質

give off

放出; 發生

chemical changes that give off energy 釋出能量的化學變化

give out

1 公布

gave out the bad news 宣布壞消息

2 發出

gave out a steady buzzing 發出持續的嗡嗡聲

3 分發

gave out the surplus food 分發剩餘的食糧

4 停息

5 用完, 用盡

Their determination finally gave out. 他們的決心終於消彌了

give over

1 交託

2 a. 放縱於…

gave the day over to merrymaking 整天縱情於尋歡作樂

b. 放棄

finally gave myself over to grief 最後完全沉溺於憂傷之中

3 停止

ordered the combatants to give over 命令戰士停止

give up

1 a. 投降

The suspects gave themselves up. 這些嫌犯投降了

b. 奉獻

gave herself up to her work 把她自己奉獻給工作

2 a. 停止

gave up their search 停止搜尋

b. 戒除

gave up smoking 戒煙

3 放棄; 讓出

gave up the apartment 讓出公寓

gave up all hope 放棄所有的希望

4 a. 不再指望

We had given the dog up as lost. 我們當那隻狗已經走失了而不再存有指望

b. 不再指望看見

We'd given you up an hour ago. 我們一小時前就當你不會來了

5 承認失敗

6 (常與 on 連用) 中止

gave up on writing the novel 中止寫那本小說


give a good account of (oneself)


give birth to

1 生孩子

2 產生

a hobby that gave birth to a successful business 一項嗜好結果發展出成功的事業

give ground


give it to

〔口語〕 痛責, 嚴懲

My parents really gave it to me for coming in late. 我父母由於我來晚了而痛責我一頓

give or take


The chalet is close to the road, give or take a few hundred yards. 這農舍離馬路頗近, 差不多幾百碼的距離

give rise to


give (someone) the eye

以欣慕的眼光看; 表示竭誠歡迎

give the lie to

1 證明是 (不正確或假的)

2 認定 (某人) 說謊

give up the ghost


give way

1 a. 撤退

b. 讓出空間給…

gave way to an oncoming car 讓路給迎面駛來的車

c. 讓位

as day gives way slowly to night 當白晝逐漸變成黑夜

2 a. 坍陷; 不能支持

The ladder gave way. 梯子斷了

b. 投降

3 耽於

give way to hysteria 歇斯底里症發作

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