

英漢字典: have

KK 音標
〔 hæv 〕
〔 hæv 〕




had, having, has


1 a. 擁有

already had a car 已經有一輛汽車了

b. 表示具有某種特質, 氣質, 功能

has a beard 有鬍鬚

had a great deal of energy 有充沛的活力

c. 擁有; 包含

a car that has an automatic transmisson 自排的汽車

2 具有某種特殊關係

had a great many disciples 有很多門徒

3 具有某方面的知識, 才能

has very little Spanish 懂得一點點西班牙文

4 心靈上的擁有; 懷抱

has doubts about their loyalty 對他們的忠誠心存懷疑

5 使用; 發揮

have compassion 發揮同情心

6 a. 獲取, 獲得

Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town.整個小鎮都沒有這本書

b. 收到, 取得

I had a letter from my cousin. 我收到了堂兄的信

c. 接受; 獲得

I'll have the green peas instead of the spinach.我要的是青豆而不是菠菜

7 a. 為…所苦

have defective vision 視力不好

b. 經驗, 經歷

had a difficult time last year 去年經歷一段困苦的時光

8 a. (以說服, 強迫) 促使

had my assistant run the errand 派我的助理出差

b. 使成為

had everyone fascinated 使眾人神魂顛倒

9 允許; 准許

I won't have that kind of behavior in my house.在我家裡我絕不允許那種行為

10 實行, 實現, 執行

have an argument 進行爭論

11 a. 處於不利的位置

Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue.你的辯論對手在各個議題上都使你處於不利的情況

b. 〔口語〕 勝過 (尤其是以奸計或欺騙的手段)

They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler.他們發現被騙子欺騙時已經太晚了

c. 〔口語〕 為不誠實的手段所影響; 賄賂

An incorruptible official who could not be had.一位清廉的官員不輕易被收買

12 a. 繁衍 (子孫)

wanted to have a child 想要一個小孩

b. 生產; 生殖

She's going to have a baby. 她快要生了

13 吃飯

have lunch 吃午餐

14 有義務, 必須

We simply have to get there on time. 我們必須準時到達那兒

15 與某人性交


(與過去分詞搭配, 形成現在完成式, 過去完成式與未來完成式, 意指已完成的行動)

The trouble-maker has gone for good.惹麻煩的人已經永遠離開了

I regretted that I had lost my temper.我真後悔我當時情緒失控

They will have finished by the time we arrive.我們到達前他們將會完成



"Almost overnight, there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots." (Thomas P. O'Neil, Jr.)忽然之間, 富人對窮人有一種新生的, 普遍的敵意

have at


have on

1 穿戴

had red shoes on 穿紅色鞋子

2 計畫, 策劃

We have a dinner party on for tommorrow evening.明天晚上我們計畫辦場晚餐宴會


have done with

停止, 休止

Have done with your foolish quibbling! 停止你那愚昧的詭辯!

have had it


1 忍耐不住; 受夠

I've had it with their delays. 我受夠了他們的拖延

2 來不及治療; 來不及修理; 來不及救援

That coat has had it. 那件大衣已經報銷了

3 完成; 做完

have it in for (someone)

(尤指出於怨恨) 刻意傷害

have it

(尤指爭論或討論之後) 解決

have (something) coming


You had that reprimand coming for a very long time.長久以來你已經得到應得的譴責

have to do with

與…有關; 與…有瓜葛

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