

英漢字典: involve

KK 音標
〔 Inˋvɑlv 〕
〔 inˊvɒlv 〕




involved, involv.ing, involves

1 含有; 包括

2 伴隨; 連同

was told that the job would involve travel 被告知那項工作還連帶有旅行

3 捲入; 連累; 拖累

involved the bystanders in his dispute with the police在與警察爭論時他還把旁觀者連累進去

4 a. 密切關聯; 牽連

evidence that involved the governor in the scandal州長牽連在醜聞內的證據

b. 有影響

The matter is serious because it involves your reputation.事態嚴重, 因為這會影響你的名譽

5 引人入勝; 使熱衷

a story that completely involved me for the rest of the evening一個完全吸引我的故事, 使我花了整個晚上的時間

6 使混亂; 使複雜

7 包圍; 纏繞

a castle that was involved in mist 薄霧包圍著的城堡

8 〔古〕 盤繞成一團


in.volvement, in.volver

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