KK 音標 | 〔 læf 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 lɑːf 〕 |
laughed, laughing, laughs
1 笑
2 感覺愉悅
laughed to herself at the memory 想起往事就自己笑了起來
an experience we would laugh about later on 令人不禁菀爾一笑的經驗
3 a. 嘲笑; 訕笑
We used to laugh at their provincial manners.我們常嘲笑他們的鄉土味
I had to laugh when I saw who my opponent was.我見到我的對手是誰的時候, 不得不自嘲一番
b. 得意洋洋, 耀武揚威
You won't be laughing when the truth comes out.只要真相大白, 你就再也得意不了了
4 發出類似笑的聲音
parrots laughing and chattering in the trees 鸚鵡在樹上吱吱呱呱
1 以笑…
laughed the speaker off the stage 哄堂大笑使得演說者下台
laughed the proposal down 以笑聲來抵制此項提議
2 笑著說
He laughed his delight at the victory. 他笑著說出勝利的喜悅
1 a. 笑
b. 笑聲
2 〔口語〕 笑柄; 笑話
The solution they recommended was a laugh. 他們提出的解決方案真是個笑話
3 (常作 laughs) 〔口語〕 嬉戲; 娛樂
decided to go along just for laughs 就當作是消遣繼續下去
laugh at
輕蔑, 嘲弄
a daredevil who laughed at danger 蠻勇之人對危險不屑一顧
laugh off [away]
一笑置之, 笑著不理
laughed off any suggestion that her career was over對她事業結束的說法一笑置之
laugh up [in] (one's) sleeve
(對他人的錯誤或失敗) 偷笑; 竊笑