〈 let 〉
let, letting, lets
1 許可; 准許
I let them borrow the car. 我允許他們借用我的車
The inheritance let us finally buy a house.這筆遺產終於讓我們買了棟房子
2 讓…; 使…
let the news be known 讓那新聞為人所知
3 a. (在祈使句中用作助動詞, 表示「命令, 請求, 提議」的意思)
Let's finish the job ! 讓我們完成這工作
Let X equal Y 讓 X 等於 Y
b. (在祈使句中用作助動詞, 表示「警告, 威脅」的意思)
Just let her try ! 叫她有本事就試試看!
4 允許
let the dog in 讓狗兒進來
5 釋放
let the air out of the ballon 釋去汽球中的空氣
let out a yelp 喊出聲來
6 出租
let rooms 出租房間
7 (工程下標後) 分派給予
let the construction job to a new firm 將建築工作派給新公司
1 使租借
2 分派
let down
1 使降下
let down the sails 降下帆布
2 a. 放棄
b. 使失望
let on
1 宣揚; 承認
Don't let on that you know me 不要向別人說你認識我
2 假裝
let out
1 終止; 結束
School let out early. 學校早放學
The play let out at 11 P.M. 歌劇於晚上十一點結束
2 使知曉; 洩露
Who let that story out? 誰洩露了那件事?
3 加大 (衣服) 尺寸
let out a coat 加大一件外套
let up
1 放慢; 減緩
didn't let up in their efforts 未減少他們的努力
2 停止
The rain let up. 大雨停了
let alone
"Their ancestors had been dirt poor and never saw royalty; let alone hung around with them." (Garrison Keillor)他們的祖先一直一貧如洗, 從未見過皇室人員, 更別說和他們打交道
let go
解僱; 遣散
had to let 20 workers go 必須解雇二十名員工
let off on
〔口語〕 使縮減 (壓力); 緩和
Let off on the gas so that we do not exceed the speed limit放鬆油門我們才不致超速
let (one's) hair down
let up on
同情; 憐憫
Why don't you let up on the poor child? 你為何不同情那窮孩子?
〈 let 〉
1 阻礙; 障礙
free to investigate without let or hinderance 沒有任何阻礙, 可以自由調查
let.ted (let), let.ting, lets
〔古〕 妨礙; 阻礙
〈 -let 〉
(構成名詞) 表示「小…, 佩帶的小飾物」的意思
booklet, streamlet