

英漢字典: like

KK 音標
〔 laIk 〕
〔 laik 〕

〈 like 〉



1 相像; 類似

2 a. 像…

It's not like you to take offense. 你並不像是會發脾氣的人

b. 如同…方式

lived like royalty 生活得如貴族般

3 想要…

felt like running away 想要逃跑

4 似乎是…; 像是…

looks like a bad year for farmers 看來像是農夫們的欠收年

5 如同; 例如

saved things like old newspapers and pieces of string收集像舊報紙和線頭等舊物


1 像; 如; 相似

on this and like occasions 在這個機會和這類的機會下

2 相像; 好似

They are as like as two siblings. 他們倆好似姊妹一般

3 (常用於否定句) 相等 (價值, 質量)

There's nothing like a good night's sleep.沒有什麼事能比得上一夜好眠


1 像…似地; 如同

worked like hell 天昏地暗地工作

ran like crazy 瘋狂似地奔跑

2 〔口語〕 可能地; 似乎地

Like as not she'll change her mind. 她似乎不會改變她的心意

3 〔非標準用法〕 (用於強調, 停頓的語氣)

Like let's get going! 那麼讓我們出發吧!


1 (常和 the 連用) 相似物

was subject to coughs, asthma, and the like 患了咳嗽, 氣喘等病症

2 (常作 likes) 〔口語〕 相似之人; 相似之物

I've never seen the likes of this before. 從前我從未見過和這相似的東西

We'll never see his like again. 我們將再不會見到和他一樣的人


1 以同一方式地; 如同

To dance like she does requires great discipline.她跳舞時一副訓練有素的樣子

2 好像

It looks like we'll finish on time. 看來似乎我們將會準時完成

〈 like 〉



liked, liking, likes


1 喜愛; 享受

2 想要

would like some coffee 想喝些咖啡

3 感覺; 認為

How do you like her nerve! 你對她的大膽感覺如何!

4 〔古〕 逢迎


1 想要, 希望

If you like, we can meet you there. 若你願意, 我們可以在那兒與你見面

2 〔蘇格蘭方言〕 被取悅


被喜受的東西; 偏愛

made a list of his likes and dislikes 列出他喜歡和不喜歡的東西

〈 -like 〉


(構成形容詞) 表示「像…一般的, 像…那樣的, 有…特徵的」的意思

friendly-like, goldlike

KK 音標
〔 -laIk 〕
〔 -laik 〕

〈 -like 〉


goldlike, womanlike
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