

英漢字典: lose

KK 音標
〔 luz 〕
〔 luːz 〕




lost, los.ing, los.es


1 遺失; 錯置

He's always losing his keys on the way out the door.他總是在路上弄丟鑰匙

2 a. (因疏忽, 意外而) 失去

I've lost three umbrellas this year. 我今年已經弄丟三把兩傘了

Britain lost its American colonies in a revolution.大英帝國在革命中喪失美洲的殖民地

b. 被剝奪

lost their lives 失去生命

lost her youth through hardship 經歷苦難而失去青春

c. 使喪偶

lost his wife 失去他的妻子

d. 無法繼續存活

a doctor who has lost very few patients 這位醫生鮮有不能治癒的病人

3 無法維持; 無法保存

lost everything in the stock market crash 在股市大跌中失去一切

is losing supporters by changing his mind 因改變心意而失去擁護者

4 輸; 失敗

lost the game 輸了比賽

lost the court case 法院官司敗訴

5 喪失優勢; 未能利用

Don't lose a chance to improve your position.別喪失了這個有助於你升官的機會

6 看不見; 聽不見; 不了解

We lost the plane in the fog. 在霧中我們看不見那架飛機

I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.她一開始講熱力學, 我就一頭霧水

7 a. 使 (某人) 迷路

b. 使 (某人) 迷失 (生活目標)

8 除去

lost five pounds 減輕五磅

9 浪費

lost a week in idle occupations 無所事事浪費了一星期的時間

10 迷路; 流浪

lose one's way 迷路

11 a. 使迷惑; 擺脫

lost their pursuers 擺脫他們的追蹤者

b. 被遠超過

chased the thieves but lost them 追逐盜賊卻跟丟了

12 使變慢

13 導致…喪失

Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job.未能響應那廣告使她失掉了工作

14 (通常用於被動式中) 使毀壞

Both planes were lost in the crash. 兩架飛機皆因雷雨而墜機

15 被詛咒


1 (因損失) 痛苦

2 被擊敗

3 慢速操控; 緩慢移動

lose out

未達 (預期的收獲)


lose out on


lose time

1 (鐘錶) 走慢

2 延遲前進

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