

英漢字典: mean

KK 音標
〔 min 〕
〔 mi:n 〕




meant, mean.ing, means


1 a. 傳達意思; 表示

"`The guestion is,' said Alice,`whether you can make words mean so many different things.'" (Lewis Carroll)艾莉絲說 :「問題在於你能不能用文字來表達這麼多不同的東西」

b. 象徵; 意味

In this poem, the budding flower means youth.在詩中, 含苞的花朵象徵年輕

2 含意; 意味

"No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous" (Henry Adams)一個人說出來的話並不一定就是他的本意, 而且也很少人會明白地說出自己的本意, 這是因為文字的表達可以很含糊, 人的思想可以停滯下來

3 意欲

I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept.我今天早上本來想去慢跑, 但我睡過頭了

4 圖謀; 計畫; 企圖

a building that was meant for storage 作為儲藏室用的建築物

a student who was meant to be a scientist 一位企圖成為科學家的學生

5 導致

Friction means heat. 摩擦生熱

6 對 (某人) 很重要; 有價值

The opinions of the critics meant nothing to him.種種批評的意見對他而言毫無價值

She meant so much to me. 她對我是如此重要


有意做…; 打算…

She means well, despite her blunders.不論她所犯的錯誤為何, 到底她是心懷善意的


mean business

〔口語〕 認真; 當真




mean.er, mean.est

1 a. 自私的; 不善的

b. 有惡意的

2 卑賤的; 卑鄙的

a mean motive 卑鄙的動機

3 吝嗇的

4 a. 低等的

b. 不足額的; 少量的

paid no mean amount for the new shoes 付少量的錢買新鞋

5 粗陋的; 破爛不堪的

"The rowhouses had been darkened by the rain and looked meaner and grimmer than ever" (Anne Tyler)雨使得那排屋子更加陰鬱, 看起來也比從前更破爛, 更髒亂了

6 地位卑下的; 出身微賤的

7 自慚形穢的; 丟臉的

8 不舒服的; 生病的

9 極討厭的

The meanest storm in years 討厭的暴風雨

10 〔口語〕 壞脾氣的

11 〔俚語〕

a. 難以應付的; 令人困擾的

He throws a mean fast ball. 他投了個快速變化球

b. 優秀的; 技術好的

She plays a mean game of bridge. 她的橋牌打得好





1 中間; 居中; 中庸


a. 比例中項

b. 平均數; 平均值


4 (常作 means, 與單數, 複數動詞連用) (達成目標的) 手段; 方法

5 (常作 means, 與複數動詞連用)

a. 財產; 錢

You ought to live within your means. 你應該要量入為出

b. 富有

a woman of means 富婆


1 中間的; 中庸的

2 媒介的


by all means

必定; 務必

by any means

無論如何; 總而言之

not by any means an easy opponent 無論如何都是個不好應付的對手

by means of


They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice.他們憑藉著耐心和犧牲的精神而成功了

by no means


This remark by no means should be taken lightly.這意見決不能輕率地發表

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