KK 音標 | 〔 mєs 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 mes 〕 |
1 雜亂; 混亂
left a mess in the yard 把庭院搞得一片雜亂
2 a. 污穢的
The kitchen was in a mess. 廚房非常得髒亂
b. 令人困窘的情境; 困惑
With divorce and bankruptcy proceedings pending, his personal life was in a mess. 離婚和破產的官司使得他的生活陷入一片混亂之中
c. 骯髒; 混亂
clothes that were a mess after painting the ceiling在漆完天花板之後, 衣服變得骯髒不堪
made a mess of their marriage 把他們的婚姻搞得一團糟
3 a. 一餐份量的食物
cooked up a mess of fish 燒一盤魚
b. 流質的食物
a mess of porridge 一碗麥片粥
4 a. (軍中) 伙食團; 共餐者
b. (提供團體的) 伙食
took mess with the enlistees 與士兵們共餐
c. 供伙食團用的餐廳
messed, mess.ing, mess.es
1 弄髒; 使混亂
a puppy that still messes the floor 會弄髒地板的小狗
2 把 (事情) 搞得一團糟
1 使混亂
2 瞎攪和; 亂動
messed with the blender until he broke it 他一直亂動攪拌器直到弄壞它為止
3 管閒事; 介入
messing in the neighbors' affairs 管鄰居的閒事
4 聚餐
mess around
1 賦閒
2 遊手好閒
liked to mess around with pals on days off 休假時喜歡和同學瞎混
mess up
1 〔口語〕 弄糟; 犯錯
messed up and dropped the ball 把事情弄糟了而用力地丟下球
2 〔口語〕 毆打
got messed up in a brawl 在爭吵中打了起來