

英漢字典: pass out

1. lose consciousness;faint昏迷

    The atmosphere in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of the women passed out. 擁擠不堪的大廳裡悶得令人窒息,兩個婦女暈了過去。

    She passed out while we were waiting for the doctor. 我們正在等大夫時,她暈過去了。

    She went back to work while she was still sick,and finally she just passed out. 她帶病重返工作,最後暈了過去。

2. distribute分發

    The salesman passed out cigarettes to everyone in the restaurant. 推銷員給飯店裡所有的人發了香煙。

    The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to stimulate interest. 參加交易會展出的廠商免費贈送樣品以引起人們的興趣。

3. die死

    Mr. White passed out last,night. 懷特先生昨晚去世。

4. graduate畢業(尤指軍事院校)

    Just over fifty students will be passing out at the end of the semester. 有50多名學生在本學期末將學成畢業。

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