KK 音標 | 〔 ˋplєntI 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ˊplenti 〕 |
〈 plen.ty 〉
1 充裕; 供應充足
plenty of time 充裕的時間
2 大量; 豐富
"Awards and honors came to her in plenty." (Joyce Carol Oates)豐富的獎賞和榮耀歸於她
3 富裕; 繁盛
"fruitful regions gladdened by plenty and lulled by peace!" (Samuel Johnson) 富庶喜樂, 和平寧靜的豐饒地區
充足的; 豐富的
"Ships were then not so plenty in those waters as now." (Herman Melville)當時在那些水域中的船隻不如現在充足
〔口語〕 相當; 很
It's plenty hot. 天氣相當熱
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