KK 音標 | 〔 ruf 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ruːf 〕 |
1 a. 屋頂
b. 家的象徵
three generation living under one roof 三代同住在一個屋簷下
2 車頂
the roof of a car 車頂
3 最高處
the roof of the mouth 上顎
4 頂點, 極限
A roof on prices is needed to keep our customers happy.價格的限制來取悅客人是必要的
roofed, roof.ing, roofs
go through the roof
1 增大, 暴增
Operating costs went through the roof last year. 去年的營運成本暴增
2 非常憤怒
When I told her about breaking the window, she went through the roof.當我告訴她打破窗的事情時, 她變得非常生氣
raise the roof
1 大聲喧鬧
The participants plan to dance, drink and generally raise the roof at tonight's party.今晚的舞會所有的參加者計畫要跳舞, 喝酒, 大概會鬧翻天了
2 高聲抱怨, 鳴不平
Angry tenants finally raised the roof about their noisy neighbors.生氣的房客最後終於向吵鬧的鄰居抱怨抗議了