KK 音標 | 〔 ʃFt 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ʃәːt 〕 |
1 襯衫
2 內衣
3 睡衣
keep (one's) shirt on
〔俚語〕 不動肝火; 保持冷靜; 不慍不火
The plane doesn't land for another hour, so keep your shirt on.飛機又延遲了一小時, 你千萬要耐心等候, 保持冷靜
lose (one's) shirt
〔俚語〕 失去一切
the shirt off (one's) back
〔俚語〕 僅有的東西
The only thing those swindlers didn't take was the shirt off my back.那些騙子把我的東西都騙光了