

英漢字典: shut

KK 音標
〔 ʃʌt 〕
〔 ʃʌt 〕




shut, shut.ting, shuts


1 關 (門); 閉上 (眼瞼)

2 (通道) 封閉

shut a corridor 封閉走廊

3 (以鎖, 門閂等) 關緊

4 侷限於 (密封的空間)

shut them in a cage 將他們關在籠子裡

5 釋放

shut the cats out of the house 把貓放到房子外面

6 使停止運轉

shut down a restaurant 將餐廳歇業

a school that was shut for the vacation 因為放假, 所以學校暫時關閉


1 封閉; 關閉

a door that shuts by itself 門自行關了起來

2 (自動地) 停止運轉

The electricity shuts off at midnight. 半夜的時候電力自動中斷了

shut off

1 阻止; 切斷

shut off the hot water by closing a valve 關閉活門以阻斷熱水

2 分開; 孤立

loners who shut themselves off from the community獨來獨往的人將自己與社會分開

shut out

『運動』阻擋 (對方的球員使其不得分)

shut up

1 使閉嘴

2 不說下去


shut (one's) eyes to


administrations who shut their eyes to pervasive corruption行政部門對普遍的貪污情形視而不見

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