KK 音標 | 〔 tFm 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 tәːm 〕 |
1 a. 期; 期間
b. 任期
a six-year term as senator 參議員的六年任期
C. 學期; 開庭期
2 a. 終了; 期滿
an apprenticeship nearing its term 學徒生涯接近終了
b. 足月
carried the fetus to term 臨近產期
c. (付款的) 期限
a. 地產租用期
b. 有限期租用的地產
4 a. 專門名詞; 術語
had to explain the term gridlock 必須解釋 "gridlock" 一字的意義
b. (常作 terms) 特定的措辭方式; 特定的說話方式
spoke in rather vague terms 說話措辭較為模稜兩可
praised him in glowing terms 措辭熱烈地讚美他
5 (常作 terms) 條件; 條款
offered favorable peace terms 開出善意的講和條件
one of the terms of the lease 租賃條款之一
the terms of a divorce settlement 離婚協議的條件
6 (常作 terms) 關係; 交情
on good terms with her in-laws 和她的丈夫家人關係融洽
a. (比率, 分數, 級數) 項
b. (加減法等式中的) 項
8『邏輯』(二段論中的) 名辭
9 界限; 界碑; 界標
termed, term.ing, terms
把…稱為; 把…叫做
in terms of
1 以…表示
distances experssed in terms of kilometers as well as miles以公里及英哩表示的路程
cheap entertainment, but costly in terms of time wasted花費不多, 但頗為耗時的消遣
2 關於…; 從…方面而言
"facilities planned and programmed in terms of their interrelationships, instead of evolving haphazardly" (Wharton Magazine)設備是從彼此間的互動關係著眼來計劃和建造, 而不是因偶然的發展