

英漢字典: to

〈 to 〉



1 a. 朝…方向

went to the city 到城裡去

b. 向著

turned to me 轉向我

2 a. 遠及

The ocean water was clear alll the way to the bottom. 海水清澈見底

b. 到達…範圍或程度

loved him to distraction 愛他愛到發狂

c. 到…結局

nursed her back to health 照顧她到康復

3 達到一定的狀態

helping minority women to economic equality 幫助居少數的女性達到經濟上的平等

4 與…接觸; 緊靠

their faces pressed to the windows 他們的臉緊靠著窗戶

5 在…前面

stood face to face 面對面站著

6 (用來指稱某物專用或所有的)

looked for the top to the jar 尋找瓶蓋

7 關於; 對於

waiting for an answer to my letter 等待我的回信

8 與…有關係

The brook runs parallel to the road. 小溪的流向跟道路平行

9 伴隨; 補充

danced to the tune 隨著旋律起舞

10 組成; 構成

two cups to a pint 一品脫有兩杯

11 與…一致

job responsibilities suited to her abilities 工作職責適合她的能力

12 跟…比較

a book superior to his others 這本書比他其餘的書還要好

13 a. 在…之前

The time is ten to five. 差10分五點

b. 直到

worked from nine to five 從九點工作到五點

14 a. 為了

went out to lunch 出去吃飯

b. 表示尊敬

a toast to the queen 為皇后乾杯

15 a. (在動詞之前指出不定詞)

I'd like to go. 我很想去

b. (也可單獨使用當作不定詞)

Go if you want to. 如果你想去就去吧!

16 a. (用來表示動詞和補語之間的關係)

refer to a dictionary 參考字典

refer me to a dictionary 要我參考字典

b. (與反身代名詞連用表示專用的)

had the plane to ourselves 有我們自己專用的飛機


1 向…; 對著

owls with feathers wrong end to 羽毛方向不對的貓頭鷹

2 關上, 封閉

pushed the door to 把門推上

3 恢復意識

The patient came to. 病人清醒過來

4 成…狀態

sat down for lunch and fell to 坐下來並開始用餐


〈 T.O. 〉

(略)turn over

(cf. P.T.O.)

〈 T.O. 〉

〔略〕 turn over
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