

英漢字典: treat

KK 音標
〔 trit 〕
〔 triːt 〕




treat.ed, treat.ing, treats


1 對待

2 看待; 把…看作

treated the matter as a joke 對該事一笑置之

3 論述

a book that treats all aspects of health care 論述保健各方面的書

4 表現; 描繪

treats the subject poetically 詩一般地表現這個主題

5 a. 請客; 款待

treated her sister to the theater 請她的妹妹看戲

b. 招待

treated herself to a day in the country 讓她自己到鄉下偷閒一日

6 (化學及物理實驗) 處理

7 a. 治療 (某人)

treated many patients in the emergency room 在急診室醫治了許多病人

b. (以藥物) 對抗

treated malaria with quinine 用奎寧治療瘧疾


1 (常與 of 連用) 論述

The essay treats of courtly love. 這篇散文描述高雅的愛

2 招待, 款待

3 與…交涉 (以達成協議)

"Both sides nonetheless are quite willing to treat with [the king]." (Gregory J. Wallance) 雙方的人馬都十分願意和國王談判以達成協議


1 款待的事物

如: 食物, 娛樂等

2 樂事; 可喜的事

A day in the country is a real treat for a city person.對都市人來說, 一日的田園生活是件樂事



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