KK 音標 | 〔 tFn 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 tәːn 〕 |
turned, turning, turns
1 使 (繞著某個軸, 中心) 轉動; 使旋轉
2 轉動
turn the key 轉動鑰匙
turn a screw 轉動螺絲
3 旋轉 (以改變, 控制機械裝置的功能)
Please turn the iron to a hotter setting. 把熨斗調到更熱的設定
4 翻轉
turn a somersault 翻觔斗
5 a. 翻面; 翻頁
turn the steak 把牛排翻面
turn a page 翻頁
b. (以鏟, 犁) 翻土
c. 翻轉 (領子)
6 左思右想; 冥想; 考慮
7 a. (將木頭等) 削成圓形
b. (以手, 工具) 塑造 (陶土等) 成為圓形
c. 將…弄成圓形
turn a heel in knitting a sock 在織襪子時弄成後跟的形狀
d. 給予 (獨特, 藝術, 優雅的) 形式
"They know precisely how to turn a dramatic line or phrase that is guaranteed to make the evening news."他們清楚地了解要如何塑造一種戲劇性的敘述或說法, 以保證能使晚間新聞造成轟動
8 a. 依樞軸迴轉
turned his chair toward the speaker 把他的椅子轉向說話者
b. 稱重
Even a feather will turn a delicate scale. 一個精巧的天平也能稱出一根羽毛的重量
9 a. 摺疊; 彎曲
b. (以摺疊, 彎曲, 扭轉的方式) 改變位置
Turn the design right side up on all your jacket buttons.把所設計的衣服有鈕扣的一面朝上
Turn the hat inside out. 把帽子由內往外翻
c. 弄彎
He could turn a bar of steel. 他能折彎一條鋼條
d. 弄鈍 (工具銳利的邊緣)
e. 扭傷
turn an ankle 扭到腳踝
f. 使不舒服; 使作嘔
That story turns my stomach. 那個故事令我作嘔
10 改變方向; 改變航道
turn the car to the left 開車向左轉
11 a. 使分心; 使 (注意力) 轉移
turn a stampede 使群眾分心
b. 使倒退; 使撤退
"Then turn your forces from this paltry siege / And stir them up against a mightier task." (Shakespeare)將你的軍力從這無價值的圍攻撤退 / 然後激勵他們去向更巨大的任務挑戰
12 繞著…而行
turn a corner 在轉角處轉彎
13 使改變心意; 使改變想法
His speech turned my thinking. 他的演說改變了我的想法
14 改變順序; 攪亂
"Sudden prosperity had turned [his] head." (Macaulay)突來的榮華富貴把他弄得昏頭轉向
15 a. 轉向 (某個方向); 指向
turn the antenna east 將天線轉向東方
b. 轉向
turn one's face to the wall 將臉面對牆壁
16 a. 瞄準; 集中焦點; 對準
turn one's gaze to the sky 凝視天空
b. 致力於; 投身於
She turned herself to music. 她投身於音樂
17 反對; 背馳而行
News of the scandal turned public opinion against the candidate.這項醜聞的消息使得輿論都反對這位候選人
18 指引; 導向
They turned their way back. 他們折了回來
19 派遣; 釋放
turn the bully put of the bar 把那個暴漢趕出酒吧
turned the dog loose 把狗放開
20 倒進; 倒入
Turn the dough onto a floured board. 將生麵團倒在灑了麵粉的板子上
21 (與 to, into 連用) 改變; 轉化
water that had been turned to ice 已經變成冰的水
turn a rundown house into a show place把一個荒廢的房子變成一個表演場所
22 變酸; 發酵
Lack of refrigeration turned the milk. 牛奶因為沒有冷藏而變酸了
23 影響; 改變…的顏色
Autumn turns the green leaves golden. 秋天把綠葉變成金黃色
24 (與to, into連用) 交換; 轉換
turns her singing talent into extra money利用她的歌唱才華換取額外的錢
25 流通; 銷售, 進貨
We turned a great deal of merchandise during the holidays.我們在假期時商品的銷售額特別大
26 (藉著買賣而) 獲得
turn a fair profit 做生意獲得不錯的利潤
27 〔俚語〕 表演
turning tricks 耍花樣
1 旋轉; 周轉
2 (頭暈, 眼花撩亂) 造成旋轉的感覺
3 改變位置
I tossed and turned all night. 我整夜翻來覆去
4 翻頁
Please turn to page 361. 請翻到三百六十一頁
5 a. 操作車床
b. (在車床上) 造形
a softwood that turns easily 容易做造形處理的軟木材
6 導引
The truck turned into the service station. 卡車開進加油站
We turned off the highway at the first exit. 我們在第一個出口駛離公路
7 改變方向; 折返
Too tired to go farther, we turned toward home.因為累得走不動, 我們於是折返回家
8 轉折; 轉機
9 改變態度; 敵對
The once servile peasants turned against the cruel king.以前一貫屈從的農奴, 起而反抗殘暴的國王
10 突然而猛烈地攻擊
The tiger turned on the animal trainer. 老虎突然不明究理地攻擊馴獸師
11 (將注意力, 興趣, 思想) 導向…; 引開
"In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." (Tennyson) 在春天, 年輕男子的幻想很輕易地就會導向愛情
12 致力於; 投身於
Unsuccessful in mathematics, the student turned to biology.由於在數學上的表現欠佳, 於是那個學生專心投入生物學
13 改信 (宗教)
14 變節
15 依賴; 求助
16 成敗的要素; 關鍵
"The election would turn not on ideology but on competence." (George F. Will) 選舉成敗的關鍵不在於意識形態, 而在於能力
17 a. 改變; 變成
His hair turned gray. 他的頭髮變成灰色
I am a lawyer turned novelist. 我是個從律師轉變成的小說家
b. (與 to, into 連用) 改變; 轉化
The sky turned to pink at dawn. 在黎明時天空變成了粉紅色
The night turned into day. 夜晚轉變成白天
c. 到達; 經歷
My niece has turned three. 我的姪女已經有三歲了
18 變酸
The milk turned because we did not refrigerate it.牛奶變酸是因為我們沒有把它冷藏
19 變色
The leaves have turned. 樹葉已經變了顏色
20 進貨並售出
This merchandise will turn easily. 這種商品將會很容易流通
21 使 (工具銳利的邊緣) 變鈍
1 轉動; 旋轉; 周轉
2 方向的改變; 位置的改變
Make a left turn at the corner. 在轉角處左轉
3 (道路) 轉彎處
a sharp turn in the road 路上的急彎
4 (趨勢的) 轉折
a strange turn of events 事件奇怪的轉折
5 (時間) 交替時期
the turn of the century 在世紀交替之際
6 a. 機會
b. (輪流的) 次序
waiting for her next turn at bat 等待輪到她打擊
7 回合; 場次
a turn at wrestling 角力比賽中的一回合
8 a. (疾病, 精神上) 侵襲; 打擊
b. 〔口語〕 暫時的驚懼
I had quite a turn when I first heard the crash.我第一次聽到轟隆的碰撞聲時, 我真的嚇了一大跳
9 性情; 性向
a curious and speculative turn of mind 天性好奇又喜好冒險
10 愛好; 擅長
a turn for carpentry 精於木工
11 措辭; 字句的表達
the poetic turn of a phrase 富有詩意的詞句
12 a. 往…發展
a turn for the worse 惡化的傾向
b. 變化
"His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn." (Albert C. Baugh) 他的思維經常採取一種幽默而諷刺的變化
13 影響
"He thought some friend had done him an ill turn." (Stephen Crane)他想有些朋友給了他不良的影響
14 利益; 目的
It served his turn. 這符合他的利益
15 出去走走; 散步
took a turn in the park 在公園裏散步
16 扭曲
17 扭傷
18 a. 旋轉
b. 一卷 (如: 電線)
19 轉動
21 短劇; 舞台表演
22 股票買賣
23 〔美國東岸南部各州〕 一把
a turn of firewood 一把柴薪
turn away
1 趕走; 解散
turned away the salesperson 把推銷員趕走
2 拒絕
The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers. 公寓大廈的地段不好, 已經讓許多可能的買主打退堂鼓
3 避開; 使偏移
turned away all criticism 避開所有的批評
turn back
1 折返
stopped on the road and had to turn back 停在路上而且必須掉頭回去
2 趕走
turned back the uninvited comers 將不速之客請回去
3 阻止…前進
managed to trun back the advancing army 設法阻止軍隊前進
4 摺
Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book.把書頁摺角以標明你要的位置
turn down
1 減緩; 減低 (速率, 音量, 強度, 流量)
Turn down the radio, please. 請把收音機的聲音關小
2 回絕; 拒絕
We politely turned down the invitation. 我們婉拒了那個邀請
3 翻摺
turn a collar down 把領子翻過來
a collar that turns down 翻過來的領子
turn in
1 交; 遞給
turned in the final exam 交期末考卷
2 告發
The criminal turned herself in. 那個女罪犯去自首
3 作出
turns in a consistent performance every day 每天都作相同的表演
4 〔口語〕 上床睡覺
I turned in early last night. 我昨晚睡得早
turn off
1 停止; 關閉
turned off the television 關上電視
2 〔俚語〕
a. 令人不喜歡; 令人不悅; 產生排斥
That song really turns me off. 那首歌真是令我反感
b. 使覺得無聊
The play turned the audience off. 那齣戲令觀眾覺得無聊
c. 使失去興趣; 撤回
turning off to materialism 淪入物質主義
d. 分心
Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.因為無法離開座位, 我只好充耳不聽那令人厭煩的演講, 而分心去想有關放假的事
3 分散; 偏移
4 〔主英〕 解雇 (員工)
turn on
1 使開始; 開啟
Turn on the light bulb. 將電燈打開
2 開始 (展現; 發揮; 散發)
turn on the charm 散發魅力
3 〔俚語〕
a. 開始吸毒
b. (通常與 to 連用) 使感興趣; 使興奮; 使刺激
My uncle turned me on to jazz. 我的伯父讓我對爵士音樂產生興趣
She turned on to surfing this summer. 這個夏天她迷上了衝浪
c. 使激發性慾
turn out
1 關掉
turned out the lights 把燈關掉
2 到達; 聚集
A large group of protesters have turned out. 一大群示威民眾已經聚集了起來
3 生產; 製造
an assembly line that turning out cars 製造汽車的生產線
4 證實
The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.那位新手證實是球隊中打擊最好的球員
5 結束; 結果
The cake turned out beautifully. 蛋糕烤出來的結果漂亮極了
6 裝備; 配備
troops that were turned out beautifully 裝備精良的部隊
7 〔口語〕 起床
8 逐出; 趕走
The tenants were turned out. 房客被趕走了
turn over
1 翻轉
2 a. 轉換位置
b. (藉由轉動) 調換位置
3 旋轉; 迴轉
The engine turned over but wouldn't start. 引擎在轉動卻無法發動
4 思考; 考慮
She turned over the problem in her mind. 她在心裏盤算這個問題
5 讓渡, 轉移; 讓與
turned over the illegal funds 轉移非法的款項
6 達到某營業的數額
turn over a million dollars a year 一年做到一百萬美元的生意
7 傾斜; 翻攪
My stomach turned over. 我的胃在翻攪
turn to
If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day. 如果你不再遊手好閒, 開始工作的話, 清理的工作一天就可以做完了
turn up
1 加強 (速度, 音量, 強度, 流動)
turn up the public-address system 加強公共演說制度
2 a. 發現
She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.她在記事本底下發現遺失的文件
b. 被發現
The papers will turn up sooner or later. 那些文件遲早會被發現
3 出現; 到達
Several old friends turned up at the reunion. 一些老朋友在聚會上出現
4 捲起; 可以捲起
turning up his cuffs 他捲起袖口
cuffs that will turn up 可以捲起來的袖口
Something turned up and I was unable to go. 臨時發生了點事, 因此我不能去了
Her name constantly turns up in art circles. 在藝術圈中她的名字總是很引人注目
at every turn
在每個地方; 在每一刻
by turns
一個接一個地; 輪流地
"From the...testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd." (Life)在證詞裡出現了一個性格捉摸不定的人, 時而詭譎時而誠實, 時而鄙俗時而英勇,時而慌張時而機靈
in turn
out of turn
1 不按次序地; 不按順序地
2 時機不對的; 態度不合宜的
I may be speaking out of turn, but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here.我也許說得過份點, 但你應該知道你的穿著並不合乎這裡的禮節
to a turn
準確地; 完美地
The roast was done to a turn. 烘烤做得很完美
turn a blind eye
turned a blind eye to government corruption對政府的腐敗視而不見
turn a deaf ear
turned a deaf ear to the protest 對抗議充耳不聞
turn a hair
didn't turn a hair during the bank robbery 在銀行搶劫事件中非常鎮定
turn (one's) back on
1 否認; 拒絕
2 放棄; 拋棄
turn (one's) hand
turned her hand to writing the dissertation 專心寫作論文
was lazy and wouldn't turn his hand 他很懶惰而不肯專心
turn (one's) head
1 使迷惑
2 使變得自私; 使變得自負
Success has turned his head. 成功使他變得相當自負
turn over a new leaf
turn tail
turn the [a] corner
turn the other cheek
(對侮辱, 傷害) 泰然接受
turn the scales
turn the tables
扭轉形勢; 轉敗為勝
turn turtle
翻覆; 上下顛倒
Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall. 我們的船在暴風雨中翻覆
turn up (one's) nose
輕蔑; 瞧不起
turned up her nose at the food 對食物連看都不看