KK 音標 | 〔 wɒl 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 wɒːl 〕 |
1 牆
2 (常作 walls) 防禦性的圍牆
3 水堤, 堤防
4 a. (外觀, 功能, 結構) 似牆之物; 壁
the abdominal wall 腹壁
b. 似牆一般不能貫穿之物; 障蔽
a wall of silence 死寂
a wall of fog 霧障
c. 絕境
driven to the wall by poverty 被窮困逼至絕境
5『運動』(衝浪的) 直立浪
walled, wall.ing, walls
1 用牆圍起來; 圍起來
wall up an old window 把舊窗戶圍起來
2 以牆區隔; 以似牆之物區隔
wall off half a room 將房間隔一半
3 監禁
4 以牆堵住
off the wall
1 極端逃脫傳統
2 沒有根據地; 荒謬地
an accusation that is really off the wall 毫無根據的指控
up the wall
〔俚語〕 極端地, 極度地
tensions that are driving me up the wall 緊張得要命
writing (handwriting) on the wall
saw the writing on the wall and fled the country看見不祥之兆而逃到國外