KK 音標 | 〔 ˋwєðZ 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ˊweðә 〕 |
1 天氣
2 a. 惡劣的天氣 (如強風, 豪雨)
encountered weather five miles out to sea 出海五哩後遇上壞天氣
b. 惡劣天氣下的不良影響
protected the house from the weather 保護房子免受惡劣天氣的影響
3 (常作 weathers) 盛衰; 人生的起伏變化
had known him in many weathers 見過他起起落落
weathered, weather.ing, weathers
1 曝曬
2 因曝曬而褪色; 風乾
3 安全脫險, 生還
weather a crisis 安然度過危機
4 使成斜面
5『航海』 (天氣惡劣時) 迎風航行
1 因曝曬而造成影響
The walls of the barn had weathered. 穀倉的牆壁已經褪色了
2 承受天氣的影響
a house paint that weathers well 可經得起風吹雨打的油漆
2 與天氣預報有關的; 天氣預報使用的
a weather plane 氣象飛機
make heavy weather of
under the weather
1 身體不適; 微恙
2 〔口語〕
a. 喝醉的
b. 宿醉引起的不適