

英漢字典: what

KK 音標
〔 hwɑt,wɑt,hwʌt,wʌt,hwәt,wәt 〕
〔 wɒt,hwɒt 〕




1 a. 什麼

What are you having for dinner? 你晚餐吃些什麼?

What did she say? 她說些什麼?

b. 什麼種類, 什麼特質

What are these objects? 這些物體是什麼?

c. 重要性, 價值

What are possessions to a dying man?對一將死的人, 財產可有價值?

2 a. (代名詞的用法) 那個, 事情

Listen to what I tell you. 仔細聽我告訴你的話

b. 不管什麼事情

come what may 不管如何都要來

3 〔口語〕 某事

I'll tell you what. 我會告訴你究竟什麼事

4 〔非標準用法〕 (代名詞的用法) 誰, 那個, 那

It's the poor what gets the blame. 窮人遭到責難


1 哪一種; 哪一個

What college are you attending? 你上那所大學?

You should know what musical that song is from?你該知道那首歌是從那個歌劇中出來的?

2 任何

They soon repaired what demage had been done.他們很快地修復損壞的東西

3 多令人驚訝

What a fool! 真是個傻瓜!


如何; 怎樣

What does it matter? 它怎麼樣了?


(相當於 that)

I don't know but what I'll go. 我不知道但我會去


1 (表示驚訝之意)

2 〔主英〕 (用於附加問句, 表示懇求同意之意)


what for

〔口語〕 申誡; 責罵

The teacher gave the tardy student what for. 老師給遲到的學生一頓責罵

what have you


a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you一個充滿椅子, 燈, 收音機和其他東西的房間

what if

1 假設…怎麼辦

2 既使…那又怎樣

what it takes


She has what it takes to be a doctor. 她具有當醫生所具備的要素

what's what

〔口語〕 事情的真相, 實情

what with

考慮進去; 因為

"I've often wondered why some good crime witer...hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm." (Walker Percy)我常在想, 為何一些寫犯罪故事的好作家不曾描述新奧紐良, 加上它的鄙俗,它獨特的親切感, 以及一些輕微的帶點令人起疑惑的魅力

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