

英漢字典: wind

KK 音標
〔 waInd 〕
〔 waind 〕




1 a. 氣流

b. 風

2 a. 風向

The wind is north-northwest. 風從北北西方吹來

b. 風吹來的方向

the four winds 四方的風

3 風聲

4 a. 氣息; 呼吸

had the wind knocked out of them 讓他們停止呼吸

b. (腸胃中的) 脹氣

5 (常作 winds)


a. 管樂器

b. (樂隊中) 管樂器演奏員

6 a. 分裂; 破壞

the winds of war 戰爭的破壞

b. 趨向; 趨勢

the winds of change 改變的趨勢

7 〔口語〕 隱秘的資料; 暗示

Trouble will ensue if wind of this scandal get out.如果這醜聞傳出去, 會引起麻煩

8 a. 空談; 廢話

b. 空想; 做白工

wind.ed, wind.ing, winds


1 給…吹風

2 a. 聞到, 嗅出

b. 找尋 (味道) 的來源

3 呼吸急促; 無法呼吸

4 使鬆口氣

stopped to wind and water the horses 停下來使馬鬆口氣喝水


before the wind

『航海』在下風; 順風

close the wind


in the wind

即將發生; 醞釀中

Big changes are in the wind. 重大的轉變正在醞釀中

near the wind


2 靠近危險

off the wind


on (into, down) the wind


under the wind


2 防風的地方

up the wind





wound, wind.ing, winds


1 繞; 捲

wind string around a spool 將線捲於線軸上

2 纏繞; 包紮

wound her injured leg with a bandage 把她受傷的腿用繃帶包紮起來

wound the waist of the gown with lace and ribbons用蕾絲和緞帶繞於禮服的腰部

3 a. 前進

wind a path through the mountains 沿著小路穿越山嶺

b. 蜿蜒

4 迂迴地說; 暗示

He wound a plea for money into his letter. 在信中他委婉地表示需要錢

5 轉動

6 a. 轉緊 (發條)

wind a watch 給錶上發條

b. 捲

c. 轉開; 捲下來

wound the line off the reel 把線從紡車的線軸上捲下來

7 (用捲揚機) 拉上; 捲上

Wind the pail to the top of the well. 把桶子拉到井口


1 蜿蜒; 曲折

a river winding through a valley 蜿蜒於山谷的河流

2 a. 裊裊上升

a column of smoke winding into the sky 一縷煙裊裊的升上天空

b. 纏繞

The vine wound about the trellis. 藤攀滿了藤架

3 呈螺旋狀

4 誤導

5 上發條

a clock that winds with difficulty 不容易上發條的鐘


1 彎曲

2 曲折

wind down


1 逐漸降低熱度

The party wound down as guests began to leave.當客人開始離開後, 慶祝會漸漸冷清下來

2 放鬆; 鬆懈

wind up

1 作結尾; 結束

when the meeting wound up 會議結束時

wind up a project 結束一個計畫

2 整理; 處理

wound up her affairs before leaving the country 在出國前把她的事情處理好

3 〔口語〕 到達; 達到

took a long walk and wound up at the edge of town走了好一段路, 到達城鎮的邊界

overspent and wound up in debt 花費過度, 導致負債

4『棒球』(投球前) 揮動胳臂



wind.ed, wound

1 吹, 吹出 (blow)

2 發出聲音

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