

英漢字典: write

KK 音標
〔 raIt 〕
〔 rait 〕




wrote, writ.ten (writ), writ.ing, werites


1 a. 寫

b. 拼寫

How do you write your name? 你的名字怎麼拼?

2 (以草寫體) 寫出

3 撰述; 作曲

write a poem 寫一首詩

write a prelude 作一首前奏曲

4 起草

write a will 草擬遺囑

5 填寫; 寫滿

write a check 開支票

wrote five pages in an hour 一小時寫滿五頁

6 寫下; 記下

write one's thoughts 把自己的想法記錄下來

7 通信, 寫信

wrote that she was planning to visit 寫信說她計劃來探訪

8 承保

9 顯示; 描寫; 銘記

"Utter dejection was written on every face." (Winston S. Churchill)每一張臉上都顯露著全然的沮喪

10 註定; 預言

It was written that the empire would fall. 預言說這個帝國會崩潰

11『電腦』記錄 (資料)


1 寫

2 著述

3 寫信

write down

1 寫下

2 貶低 (階級, 價值); 減價

3 (寫文章) 貶損

4 淺顯地寫

felt he had to write down to his students覺得他必須寫得淺顯學生才看得懂

write in

1 投票給 (選票上未列名的候選人)

2 加寫於 (正文中)

wrote in an apology at the end of the note 在便條之末寫了一句道歉的話

3 以書信聯絡

write in with a completed entry form 來信附有一張填好的申請表

write off

1 折舊

2 註銷; 勾銷

3 視為損失; 視為失敗

wrote off the rainy first day of the vacation假期的第一天就下雨真是掃興

write out

1 寫出; 作曲

write out a request 寫出一項要求

2 完全寫出

All abbreviations are to be written out. 所有的縮寫都要完整寫出來

write up

1 報導

2 增補 (最新的資料); 補寫 (日誌) 到當日

3 對 (資產) 高估

4 (違規) 記錄

wrote him up for speeding 記錄下來他超速


write (one's) own ticket


a generous scholarship that lets recipients write their own ticket可由領受者隨意申請的獎學金

write large

顯而易見; (弊害等) 變大

"The man was no more than the boy writ large." (George Eliot)男人只不過是大號的男孩而已

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