

英漢字典: 撞上

dash against   (TTS發音)



〈 1.hit with a quick movement猛撞 〉

*The horse hurt its knee by running against the fence.馬撞在圍欄上,傷了膝蓋。

*Driving in a hurry he ran his car against a tree.由于開得太急,他把汽車撞到一棵樹上去了。

*While walking along the sidewalk,he was so absorbed in thought that he ran against a passerby.他走在人行道上時,全神貫注地想心事,以致和一個過路人撞了個滿懷。

2.meet accidentally 偶遇

*I ran against an old friend in the street.我在街上偶遇一位老友。

3.be unfavorable to;disfavor對…不利

*Time is now running against us in this affair.在這件事上時間于我們不利。

*Fortune seems to run against me.命運似乎與我作對。

*She never does anything that would run against the interests of the collective.她從不會做任何損害集體利益的事情。

4. compete with by running in a race ;compete with for an elected office與…賽跑;與…競選

*She is prepared to run against the world's best runners.她準備同世界上最優秀的賽跑選手比賽。

*Roosevelt ran against Hoover in 1932.1932年羅斯福同胡佛競選美國總統。

〈 1.meet by chance 偶然碰見;巧遇;碰上 〉

*I unexpectedly ran into him on the street yesterday evening.昨天晚上我在街上偶然碰見了他。

*Their ship ran into a strong gale at sea.他們那條船在海上遇到了大風。

2.collide with與…碰撞

*Suddenly he lost control of his bike and ran into a lamppost.他突然控制不住自己的自行車,一下子撞到了電線桿上。

*He ran into the back of a bus.他撞上了一輛公共汽車的尾部。

3.be affected by ;get into;encounter遭遇到;陷入;經歷You will certainly run into many difficulties,but you must not give up.你一定會遇到很多困難,但不能放棄。

*When I ran into a problem while making my model airplane, I asked my father for help.當我在做飛機模型遇到困難時,我請我父親幫忙。

*He has run into trouble in his job.他在工作中遇到了困難。

*If you travel alone in that forest,you may run into danger.如果你獨個兒在那片森林裡行走,你會遇到危險的。

*She has run heavily into debt.她負債累累。

4.add up to;amount to;total總計為;累計達到

*The new dictionary has run into several editions.那部新詞典已經再版好幾次了。

*The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds.高速公路上傷亡人數在假期裡高達數百人。

*Losses ran into millions of U.S.dollars.損失達幾百萬美元。

5.mix with;join with 與…混合 ;與…相會合

*The rivers on the other side of the mountains run into the Atlantic.山另一側的河流都流入了大西洋。

*The small brook runs into a big river in the valley below.這條小溪在下邊的山谷裡流入一條大河。

6.continue into延續到;接連;跟著

*One year ran into the next,and still there was no change.年復一年,依然如故。
run up against   (TTS發音)

〈 1. meet by chance ;encounter碰到;偶遇 〉

*I thought we would be successful,but we ran up against a lack of money.我本以為我們會成功,但因資金短缺而受阻。

*Could you help me?I've run up against a few problems.你能幫我 一下嗎?我碰上了幾個問題。

2.collide with與…相撞

*In the dark he ran up against a big tree.黑暗中,他撞到一棵大樹上去了。

偶遇, 撞上
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