

英漢字典: 撞見

meet by chance   (TTS發音)

meet by chance

〈 1.find or meet by chance偶然發現;偶遇 〉

*I ran across the article in yesterday's newspaper.我在昨天的報紙上偶然發現了這篇文章。

*He ran across an excellent book on the subject in the library.他在圖書館偶然找到了有關這個題目的一本極好的書。

*I ran across my old classmate in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上偶然碰到了我的老同學。

2.convey across讓…搭車穿過;運送…到對面去

*He ran us across to the other side of the bay in his private launch.他用私人汽艇送我們到海灣彼岸。

3.cross(by running)(跑著)穿過

*Burning with curiosity,she ran across the fields after the dog.她充滿了好奇心,跟在那條狗後面奔過田野。
take by surprise   (TTS發音)

〈 1.fill with surprise or amazement;astonish 使吃驚;使驚奇 〉

*Your good examination results have taken all the teachers by surprise.你考試的好成績使得所有老師都感到吃驚。

*When our teacher quit in the middle of the year to work for the government,it took us all by surprise.我們的老師在年中辭職去政府部門供職時,我們都感到吃驚。

2.appear in front of sb.suddenly;come before sb.is ready 出其不意地出現;在(某人)未準備妥當之前來到

*The passenger took the thief by surprise.He caught the latter's hand as it sneaked into his pocket.那位旅客在扒手剛把手伸進他的口袋裡的時候,突然抓住了他。

*Our guests came half an hour early,taking my mother by surprise.我們的客人提前半小時來了,弄得我媽媽措手不及。
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