

英漢字典: 撞鎖

KK 音標
〔 lɑk 〕
〔 lɒk 〕




1 鎖

2 水門; 水閘

3 槍機

4 連結; 纏結

5 a.『運動』揪扭

b. 穩穩抓住 (握住)

The distributor has a lock on most of the market.配銷商掌握著大部份的市場


locked, locking, locks


1 a. 上鎖

close and lock a drawer 關上並鎖上抽屜

b. (像上鎖一般) 關好

locked the house 關好房子

2 鎖起來; 拘禁

locked the dog in for the night 夜晚把狗鎖起來

locked the criminal up in a cell 把罪犯拘禁在囚室裡

3 使固定; 緊緊握住

The ship was locked in the ice through winter.這艘船整個冬天都陷在冰裏動彈不得

She felt that she had become locked into a binding agreement.她感到她已被這有義務的合約所束縛

4 a. 發現並自動追蹤 (移動的目標)

locked the enemy fighter in the gun sights 用槍砲瞄準器鎖定敵機

b. (以武器) 瞄準並鎖定移動的目標

"The pilot had locked his targeting radar on the slow-moving frigate." (Ed Magnuson) 飛行員用雷達鎖定這艘緩慢航行的巡洋艦

5 使固定

6 緊緊握住; 糾纏

locked arms and walked away 緊抱著手臂走開了

7 揪扭

The two dogs were locked in combat. 這兩隻狗格鬥時糾纏在一起

8 a. (在水道上) 裝上閘門

b. 通過水閘


a. 將鉛字裝版

b. 將曲版繫於滾筒

10 套牢 (資金)



1 鎖上; 緊閉

We tried the door, but it was locked. 我們試著開門, 不過門鎖上了

2 銜接

3 卡住; 塞住

The mechanism tends to lock in cold weather. 天氣冷時這機械容易卡住

4 過閘

lock out

(勞資爭議時的) 停工


lock horns

被捲入 (衝突)

lock, stock, and barrel

完全地, 全部地

an estate that was auctioned off lock, stock and barrel全部被拍賣的地產





1 頭髮的一綹; 一綹鬈毛

2 頭髮

3 一把, 小量, 一撮

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