

英漢字典: 砸鍋

be bungled

KK 音標
〔 fel 〕
〔 feil 〕

〈 fail 〉



failed, failing, fails


1 表現欠佳; 無效率; 不符合要求

2 失敗

a valiant attempt that failed 雖敗猶榮

3 (考試) 不及格

4 a. 不夠; 不足; 用盡

The water supply failed during the drought. 旱災期間供水不足

b. 未達成 (預期的事)

failed in her obligations to the family 她沒有盡到對家庭的責任

5 (力量, 體能) 減弱

The patient's heart failed. 病人的心臟機能變弱

6 停止運轉

The engine failed. 引擎停止運轉

7 破產; 倒閉

Our family business failed in 1929. 我們的家族企業於一九二九年宣告破產


1 使失望; 辜負 (期望)

Our sentries failed us. 我們哨兵的表現令人失望

2 拋棄; 遺棄

His strength failed him. 他喪失了力氣

3 遺漏未做

"We must...hold...those horrors up to the light of justice. Otherwise we would fail our inescapable obligation to the victims of Nazism: to remember." (Anthony Lewis) 我們必須將那些慘事交付法律審判. 否則對受到納粹壓迫的犧牲者們, 我們就是沒盡到應盡的責任: 切記.

4 沒有做 (某事); 疏忽

failed to wash the dishes 沒有洗盤子

5 a. 不及格

failed algebra twice 代數兩次不及格

b. 當掉 (學生)

failed me in algebra 我的代數被當了


1 未能在指定時間內, 將債券送達顧客手中

2 未能在規定的日期之前, 收到股票或債券交易的盈利


without fail


Be here at noon without fail. 中午一定要到這裡來
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