

英漢字典: 穿上

〈 1.(cause to)be placed on top of 登上 〉

*Get on my shouders and have a look over the fence.爬上我的肩膀,看看圍牆那邊。

2.advance;make progress 進步;進展

*You are getting on nicely with your English.你的英語進步很大。

*I'm afraid she isn't getting on very well at school.我擔心她在學校的成績不太好。

*How's your broken leg getting on ?你那受傷的腿怎麼樣了?

*Did you get on all right in the exam?你考試順利嗎?

3.advance in age or grow older 變老

*His white hair and wrinkles are enough to show that he is getting on.他的白發和皺紋足以說明他上歲數了。

*They are all getting on, but won't admit it.他們都在變老,但就是不服老。

*Your parents are getting on in years;you should take good care of them.你的父母已經上了年紀,你得好好照顧他們。

*She is not very young;she is getting on to middle age.她不很年輕,快到中年了。

4.(cause to) take a place on(a horse, bicycle,etc.)or in(a vehi cle)騎上(馬);上(車等)

*Only one person at a time is allowed to get on the horse.一次只能讓一個人騎上這匹馬。

*She got on her bicycle and cycled off quickly.她跨上自行車,飛快地騎走了。

*When the old lady got on the bus, a young man stood up to offer her his seat.那位老太太上車後,一位年輕人立刻站了起來給她讓坐。

5.be on good terms 意氣相投;相處融洽

*They got on with each other very well.他們彼此相處得很好。

*It's hard to get on with a suspicious man.和一個多疑的人相處很難。

*They get on well at work but not privately.他們在工作上處得不錯,但私人關系不好。

*How do you get on with him?你跟他相處得怎麼樣?

*We get on extremely well.我們相處得很融洽。

6. be on one's way 趕路

*I must be getting on;I'm late already.我必須要趕路,我已遲了。

*We'd better get on while there is still light.我們最好趁亮趕路。

7.advance in time;become late (時間)消逝;晚了

*Time is getting on.Shall we go now?時間不早了,我們現在走好嗎?

*It's getting on. We'd better go home.天色漸晚了,我們回家吧。

*It's was getting on towards eight o'clock when he came back home.他到家時已經快8點鐘了。

8.fare;manage 過日子

*How are you getting on?你近來日子過得怎樣?

*9.continue doing sth.繼續做某事

*Don't sit there talking;get on with your work.不要坐在那裡聊天,繼續幹活吧。

*They couldn't get on for lack of materials.他們由于缺少材料幹不下去了。

10.manage to live or work 設法對付;設法過下去;設法幹下去

*I can hardly get on without your support.沒有你的支持我簡直幹不下去了。

*You can't get on without money in this world.在這個世界上沒有錢你休想過下去。

11.put on 穿上;戴上

*It was cold outside; she got her hat and coat on.外面很冷,她戴上帽子,穿上外衣。

12.cause to go forward or make progress使前進;使進步

*She is an outstanding teacher,good at getting her pupils.她是位優秀教師,很善于引導學生進步。

13.achieve success取得成功;發蹟

*She is sure to get on in life.她一定會很有出息。

14. used as an exclamation of disbelief,surprise,etc.用作表示驚訝或不相信

*“Guess how far I walked yesterday?”“Ten miles?” No,thirty two miles!”“Get on!”“你猜我昨天走了多少路?”“10英裡?”“不對,32英裡!”“我不信!”

〈 1.dress oneself in穿戴 〉

*He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.他匆忙穿上外套,衝出了屋子。

2.turn on開

*He opened the door and put on the light.他開了門,打開了燈。


*He was not really angry.He was putting it on.他並不真生氣,他是假裝的。

4.present(a performance)上演

*The actor put on a fine performance.這位演員的表演非常精彩。

*The senior class put on a dance.高年級學生舉行了一次舞會。


*She put on a lot of weight last winter.去年冬天她體重增加了很多。

6.force acceptance of sth.on sb.強迫某人接收

*In those days various sorts of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies were put on the people from time to time.那時候,不時有各種苛捐雜稅加在人民的身上。

*Why do you put the blame on me?你為什麼責怪我呢?


*I don't believe you;you are just putting me on.我不相信你,你不過是在騙我。

8.move forward(a clock or the hands of a clock)往前撥(鐘表)

*He forgot to put the clock on last night.他昨晚忘了把鐘往前撥了。

*The English people will put on their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow.英國人後天實行夏令時間,將把鐘往前撥一小時。

9.bet or risk money on sth.下…賭注

*Richard put on$5 and lost it all.理查德押了5美元,結果全輸了。
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