

英漢字典: 認為當然

take for granted   (TTS發音)

1. suppose or understand to be true 假定是真的;對…信以為真

    He took for granted that the invitation included himself. 他認為他自己一定是在被邀請之列。

    A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always do their homework. 老師不能假定學生們一定會做家庭作業。

2. assume;accept as a fact that does not need any confirmation or verification 假定;認為理所當然

    I take it for granted that he will come. 我認為他當然會來的。

    We take it for granted that they would consent. 我們認為他們一定會同意的。

    Excuse me for not introducing you to Kermit. I took it for granted that you two knew each other. 對不起,我沒有把你介紹給凱米特,我想當然地認為你們互相認識。

    All particulars should be carefully checked and verified;nothing should be taken for granted. 所有的細節都應當仔細查對、核實,任何一點都不能想當然。

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