

英漢字典: 誤認為

1. mistake for 誤認為

    I am sorry,I took you for your brother. 對不起,我把你誤認為你哥哥了。

    What does he take us for?他把我們當作什麼人?

    When he worked in the countryside,he used to take wheat for barley. 當他在農村勞動時,經常把小麥看成大麥。

    At first they took him for a foreigner. 最初他們把他當成了外國人。

2. assume to be假定是;認為是

    I took it for the truth. 我認為那是真的。

    Make no mistake. Don't take him for a fool;he is anything but that. 別搞錯了,不要把他當傻瓜,他決不是那種人。

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