

英漢字典: 貫穿

KK 音標
〔 Im`pZnIˏtrєt 〕
〔 imˋpєnitrєit 〕

〈 im.pen.e.trate 〉



透入; 穿入; 貫入; 浸透

KK 音標
〔 ˋpєnәˏtret 〕
〔 ˊpenitreit 〕

〈 pen.e.trate 〉


pen.e.trat.ed, pen.e.trat.ing, pen.e.trates


1 刺入; 穿過; 穿透

2 a. 滲透

The insistent rhythm of piano practice penetrated each room of the house. 鋼琴練習的持續節奏滲入了屋子的每一個房間

b. 浸, 泡

3 將陰莖插入 (陰道, 肛門)

4 滲入; 潛入 (組織等, 為求控制或取得情報)

5 進入 (市場)

penetrated the home-computer market with an affordable new model以一種消費者買得起的新型家用電腦打進市場

6 洞悉; 明瞭

7 看穿; 看透

keen eyes that penetrate the darkness 穿透黑暗的銳利目光

8 深深地影響; 深深感動


1 穿透, 穿過

2 進入, 滲入

3 洞悉; 洞察


perforation   (發音)

KK 音標
〔 ˏpFfәˋreʃәn 〕
〔 ˏpәːfәˊreiʃәn 〕

〈 per.fo.ra.tion 〉


1 打洞, 穿孔

2 孔眼, 齒孔, 排孔

3 孔狀接縫

〈 1.use up wastefully 揮霍盡;亂花光 〉

*The rich man's son quickly ran through his money.這位富人的兒子很快就把錢揮霍光了。

*He ran through the family fortune in a year.他一年之內耗盡了全部家產。

*We run through ten gallons of petrol a week.我們一個星期用10加侖汽油。


*I'll run through the main points of the news again.我將重播一下新聞的主要內容。


*He ran through his lecture in his mind.他在心裡默誦他的演講詞。

*We should run through the whole play once more before we actually present it on the stage.我們在公演前應該把整個劇再排練一遍。

4.pierce or stab,as with a sword 刺入;貫穿

*He ran his opponent through with a sword.他用劍刺穿了他的對手。

5.peruse or examine quickly;deal with in rapid succession 迅速閱讀或檢查;很快地處理

*Will you run through this essay for me, and tell me what you think of it?請你把這篇文章看一下,並把意見告訴我,好嗎?

*I have run through the headlines in today's newspapers.今天報紙的大標題我都瀏覽過了。
transfixion   (發音)

KK 音標
〔 træns`fIkʃәn 〕
〔 trænsˋfikʃәn, trɑ:ns- 〕

〈 trans.fix.ion 〉


1 戳穿; 刺穿; 釘住

2 ‘醫’貫穿切開的; 貫穿術

KK 音標
〔 træns`pIrs 〕
〔 trænsˋpiәs 〕

〈 trans.pierce 〉




刺穿; 戳穿; 貫穿
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