

英漢字典: 趕上

KK 音標
〔 kætʃ 〕
〔 kætʃ 〕

〈 catch 〉



caught, catch.ing, catches


1 捕捉, 捉住; 拿獲

2 誘捕

3 a. 撞見

He was caught in the act of stealing. 他在行竊時被撞見

b. 突然知道, 突然意識到

caught her gazing out the window 突然意識到她正在注視窗外

4 a. 用力地抓住, 突然握住

caught me by the arm 抓住我的手臂

caught the reins 抓著韁繩

b. 抓住…使停止

catch a ball 接住球

5 a. 超前

The green car caught me on the straightaway.那部綠車在直路上超在我之前

b. 及時趕上; 搭

caught the bus to town 趕上到城裏的公車

catch a wave 乘上一個波浪

6 a. 絆住; 鉤住

b. 使意外鉤住, 使意外纏住

caught my hem on the stair 我在樓梯上被鉤到衣角

c. 阻止; 延誤

was caught in traffic for an hour 塞車塞了一小時

7 打; 敲

a punch that caught me in the stomach 打在我肚子上的一擊

8 行動停止, 中止動作

caught myself before replying 我在回答之前頓了一下

9 罹患, 感染 (疾病)

catch a cold 感冒

10 a. 受影響; 被鼓舞

caught the joyous mood of the festival 感受到節慶的歡樂氣氛

b. 遭受

caught hell for being late 因為遲到而遭受處罰

11 突然得到; 迅速地得到

We caught a glimpse of the monarch. 我們得以瞥見君王

I caught a hint of sarcasm in your response.我感受到你的答覆帶有譏諷的意味

12 a. 領悟, 了解

I don't catch your meaning. 我不了解你的意思

b. 以藝術的形式使其重現

an impressionist who caught the effects of wind and water in his paintings印象派畫家把風與水的變化展現在畫中

13 吸引住; 招引

couldn't catch their attention 沒辦法掌握他們的注意力

caught the teacher's eye 引起老師的注意

14 使著迷

15 a. 看表演

caught the midnight show 去看午夜場

b. 取得 (通常指很短的時間)

catch some sleep 打個盹


1 抓住, 纏住, 固定住

My coat cought in the car door. 我的大衣被夾在車門

2 搶取, 抓取

tried to catch the life preserver 試圖抓住救生用具

3 傳染, 感染; 傳播

4 燃著

The fire caught. 火點燃了



1 捕捉; 捕拿

2 (門窗的) 閂

3 a. 抓到之物

The mistake you found was a good catch. 你抓出一個好錯誤

b. 值得獵取的人; 值得獵取的事物


a. (未落地的球) 接住

b. 投球和接球的遊戲

5 捕獲的量

The catch amounted to 50 fish. 總共捕到五十條魚

6 哽噎

7 (機械) 運作中斷

8 陷阱; 詐

It sounds like a good offer, but there may be a catch.這似乎是很好的提議, 但其中可能有詐

9 碎片; 片段


catch on

1 了解; 察覺

2 流行

Skateboarding caught on quickly. 滑板遊戲很快地流行起來

catch out

偵測 (某人) 錯誤

catch up

1 奪取

The mugger caught the wallet up and fled. 盜匪搶奪皮夾而逃逸

2 指出 (某人) 錯誤

Auditors caught up with the embezzler. 查帳員查出侵占公款者

3 趕上; 追上

4 a. 牽涉, 牽連

was caught up in the scandal 涉及醜聞

b. 迷惑; 沈醉

I was caught up in the mood of the evening.我沈醉在傍晚的氣氛之中

5 a. 給最新情報; 簡述

Let me catch you up on all the gossip.讓我告訴你最新流傳的閒話

b. 使接近完成

I must catch up on my correspondence. 我必須趕寫回信


catch fire

1 點燃

2 非常熱衷

3 熱門的東西

an idea that caught fire all over the country 風靡全國的想法

catch it

接受處罰, 接受責罵

catch (one's) breath

catch up with   (TTS發音)

come up with   (TTS發音)

〈 1.offer;produce提供;提出 〉

*I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你能提出比這更好的計劃來。

*The teacher asked who could come up with a good solution to this problem.老師問誰能提出一個解決這個問題的好辦法。

2.overtake;come level with趕上

*We'll have to work hard to come up with other companies.我們必須勤奮工作,以便趕上別的公司。

*When she came up with them,she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.當她追上他們的時後,她發現他們已經坐下並且正在翻包裡的東西。

*Let's go slowly so that they can come up with us.我們走慢點,好讓他們趕上來。

KK 音標
〔 ˏovZˋtek 〕
〔 ˏouvәˊteik 〕

〈 o.ver.take 〉


o.ver.took, o.ver.tak.ing, o.ver.takes

1 a. 趕上; 使平等

b. 追過

2 偶然遇見; 突襲

geopolitical strategists who were overtaken by events in the Middle East這些地緣政治計謀家突然遭逢中東事件
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