

英漢字典: 風景

KK 音標
〔 ˋlænskep,ˋlænd- 〕
〔 ˊlændskeip 〕

〈 land.scape 〉



1 景色, 風景, 自然景觀

2 風景畫, 風景攝影


作景觀美化, 以造園術美化, 美化, 綠化

KK 音標
〔 ˋsinәrI 〕
〔 ˊsiːnәri 〕

〈 scen.er.y 〉



1 風景, 景色

2 舞台佈景, 道具布置



KK 音標
〔 vju 〕
〔 vjuː 〕

〈 view 〉



1 視察; 檢閱

used binoculars to get a better view 使用雙目望遠鏡看得更清楚

2 審視; 綜覽

a view of Romantic poetry 對於浪漫詩的綜覽

3 觀點, 見解, 解釋; 意見

In his view, aid to the rebels should be suspended. 他認為對叛徒支援應停止

4 視野

The aircraft has disappeared from view. 那架飛機已消失了

5 風景; 展望

the view from the tower 從塔上所見的風景

6 風景畫

a view of Paris, done in oils 巴黎的風景油畫

7 (從某位置, 角度) 呈現; 觀察

a side view of the house 從側面來觀看這房子

8 目的; 旨在

"The pitch of the roof had been calculated with a view to the heavy seasonal rains." (Caroline Alexander)屋頂上鋪設瀝青是為了因應季節性的豪雨

9 希望; 機會

The measure has no view of success. 這項方案似乎沒有成功的希望


viewed, viewing, views

1 注視; 觀看

view an exhibit of etchings 觀看石刻藝術的展覽

2 a. 檢閱; 視察

viewed the house they were thinking of buying 檢視他們正考慮買的那棟房子

b. 審度; 考慮

3 視做; 認為

doesn't view herself as a success 她不認為自己是成功的

viewed their efforts unfavorable 他們的努力不被看好


in view of

考慮到; 有鑑於

on view

展示; 陳列


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