

英日字典: converge

KK Pronunciation

〔 kәnˋvFdʒ 〕


〔 kәnˊvәːdʒ 〕

The converge has 4 Senses.

  • meet, converge
  • あう, 合う, 集まる, 集る
  • be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point"
  • 近接しているか、または一緒になる

  • converge
  • approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
  • 制限なく項数が増加するにつれ極限に近づく

  • converge
  • move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star"
  • 特定の場所で共に動くか、寄り集まる

  • converge
  • come together so as to form a single product; "Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power"
  • 単一の製品を形成するために一か所に集まる

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