英日字典: か細い
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- fragile
- か細い, か弱い, 果敢無げ, 儚げ
- vulnerably delicate; "she has the fragile beauty of youth"
- 傷つきやすく繊細な
- feeble, faint
- 弱い, か細い, 微か
- lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice"
- 強さか活力の欠乏
- slight, slim, slender, svelte
- 華奢, 華車, か細い, スリム, 花車, きゃしゃ, 細い
- being of delicate or slender build; "she was slender as a willow shoot is slender"- Frank Norris; "a slim girl with straight blonde hair"; "watched her slight figure cross the street"
- きゃしゃな、または、か細い造りであるさま
- fragile, frail, delicate
- 弱い, 割れ易い, 華奢, 華車, か細い, もろい, 壊れ易い, やわ, 花車, 柔, 脆い, 脆弱
- easily broken or damaged or destroyed; "a kite too delicate to fly safely"; "fragile porcelain plates"; "fragile old bones"; "a frail craft"
- 容易に壊されるか、または傷つけられるか、または破壊される
- frail
- 弱い, か細い, か弱い, ひ弱, 柔弱, 羸弱, 弱々しい, 惰弱, 虚弱, 脆弱, 弱弱しい, 懦弱, るい弱
- physically weak; "an invalid's frail body"
- 身体的に弱いさま
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