英日字典: 薄い
13 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- tenuous, slight, fragile, flimsy, thin
- 薄い, 稀薄, 希薄, 薄べったい, 薄ぺら, やわ, 薄弱, 手薄い, 薄っぺら, ちゃち, 空疎
- lacking substance or significance; "slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot"; a fragile claim to fame"
- 実質または重要性の欠如
- watery
- 薄い
- relating to or resembling or consisting of water; "a watery substance"; "a watery color"
- 水で成る、それに似た、またはそれに関する
- faint, weak
- 淡い, 弱い, 薄い, 側か, はつか, 微弱, 朧気, 朧げ, 杳々たる, 幽か, ほのか, おぼろげ, 淡淡しい, 淡々しい, 杳杳たる, 微か, 弱々しい, かすか, 仄か
- deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse"
- 大きさが不十分
- thin
- 薄い
- relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"
- 一貫性が比較的薄いか密度が低い
- papery
- 薄い
- thin and paperlike; "papery leaves"; "wasps that make nests of papery material"
- 細くて紙のような
- humble, low, modest, small, lowly
- 質素, しがない, 薄い, 下賎, 賎陋, ちんけ, 下等, 粗陋, 低い, 粗末, 小さい, 鄙劣, 取るに足りない, 貧寒, 穢い, 些細, 貧賎, 賎しい, 下劣, はしたない, 穢ない, 微々たる, ちっちゃい, 賤しい, 卑俗, 麁陋, けちくさい, ささやか, 陋劣, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣, 卑賎
- low or inferior in station or quality; "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"
- 社会的地位または質において低いまたは劣る
- thin
- 薄い, 薄べったい, 薄ぺら, ぺらぺら, 細い, 薄っぺら
- of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"
- ひとつの面から反対の面間でまたは断面において比較的小さな程度の
- powdery
- 淡い, 薄い, 薄-, 薄~
- as if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder; "a powdery blue"
- 撒き散らした粉で色がかすんだような
- flavourless, savourless, bland, flavorless, insipid, flat, savorless, vapid
- 薄い, 味気無い, 大味, 味気ない
- lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea"
- 味、風味、ピリッとする味のない
- scanty, spare, bare
- 乏しい, 手うす, 薄い, 貧弱, 空っけつ, 寡少, 手薄, 鮮少, 貧しい, 不十分, 空っ穴, 手薄い, 尠少, からっ穴, 御寒い, 貧小, お寒い
- lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet"
- 振幅または量が不足するさま
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